Chapter 8~The Titans Are Coming

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The wall has been broken down. Sixteen titans have come in and more coming.

"Chris!" Minx's voice woke me up from my sleep.

"We need to go! Now!" She said after I was awake.

"Why and why are you shouting?" I answered back to her.

She crossed her arms and soon pointed out the window.

"The gear you need is on the roof. The others have already left." Her tone of voice changed from demanding to depressing.

My eyes widened and I ran to the roof as fast as I could. Three dimensional maneuver gears were lined up on the lining of the edge of the roof. I put it under 30 minutes. The earth rumbled as one of the many titans have fallen. I pulled out the blades that were with it and I stared at my reflection in the metal.

"I don't even know how to work this." I said to myself.

"I dont either. So just jump and kill." Minx responded behind me.

I jumped and do I say this...harpoon shaped blades? came out and stuck into the broken wall. The wall was being prepared and was about 20% finished. I could see the others fighting the titans, with me cowardly sitting in the corner like always. I am changing that today. I made my way to the top of the wall and looked out over the wall to the wilderness that laid in front of it. I saw multiple titans. Most of them about level 4 titans.

"How the hell do we kill these guys?" I asked myself, and only myself.

I jumped and the harpoons shot into the back of a titan. I fucked myself over this time. I was still learning the basics and I don't know how to dettach them yet. I did last time by mistake. I zoomed straight towards it and it still stayed still. I got onto the back of it and started slicing it as much as I could. I remembered hearing someone saying the neck before I got to the wall.

"...Might as well try it." I said slicing the neck of the titan.

In one swipe, the titan fell and started to deteriorate.

"Well, I killed a titan." I started speaking to myself.

"Good job." Ty said on the roof of a house.

"But it ain't over yet." He continued.

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