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Alejandro's pov

Mischa had been avoiding me ever since I talked about her meeting my parents, maybe I spoke too soon? I didn't know but when I would knock on her door she wouldn't respond, and I never ran into her despite the fact that the base is small.

That night I decide I would enter her room instead of knocking I would just go into her room, was it wrong? yes but I need to talk to her and see what's going on. I went to her room around 9, her lights were off, I went in but the room was empty "Mischa?" I called for her, silence "Rudy!" I yelled and he came running "que paso?" he asked "Mischa no está" I replied "que?" he asked "que Mischa no está!" I yelled as I marched outside to search for her "look around the base" I said as did the same.

After a few minutes we both made our way to the front door "la viste?" I asked "no hermano" he replied "vamos a buscar al pueblo" he suggested I nodded and we got on the truck to go look for her, we kept driving but still nothing, until we got close to the pueblo we saw her, she was walking "stop the truck Rudy" I said and he did, I got off and she turned, I immediately hugged her, for a second the worst scenarios came to mind when we couldn't find her.

"Alejandro, what are you guys doing here?" she asked as she pushed me back slightly "I-I, you weren't in your room so we looked for you but when we didn't find you we came looking for you" I said as I placed my hand on her face "oh, well I had to come look for clothes since I will be meeting your parents" she said, I smiled, she wanted to make a good impression "mi amor, they will love you no matter what you are wearing" I said as I kissed her forehead "I know, I'm sorry I have been stressing about this and I have been avoiding you" she said, I sighed "ven amor" I said as we got on the truck "where were you going?" I asked her "well, just some place that sells dresses" she replied as she grabbed my hand, I kissed her hand "bueno vamos, we will take you" I said as Rudy took off.

We stopped in a few stores as she looked through, I felt like she would never choose but at the last store she finally did, she picked a silk dress, opened from one of the legs, up to her upper thigh, it was black, she also got black high heels, she looked so beautiful.

We drove back to the base in silence, I knew she was still nervous. Once we got there Mischa and I went to her room, I waited on her bed as she put her stuff away, once she did I waved for her to come over, she did and I sat her on my lap "que pasa cariño?" I asked "I just hope they like me" she whispered "amor" I said as I grabbed her face and turned her to look at me "they will, and even if they don't, I love you, more than anything or anyone, if they don't like you then too bad because I plan to make you mi esposa" I said with a smile, she smiled back and kissed me, I kissed her back, she pulled away from the kiss "I love you too, Alejandro" she said.

We laid down for a while as I played with her hair she made circles with her finger on my chest "we should eat something" she said as she got up and grabbed my hand to lift me up, we made our way to the kitchen and Rudy was there "hey hermano, how about some tacos?" he said "de hecho si, suena perfecto, Mischa wanted to eat anyways" I said as we head to the truck "will the tacos be like the ones you made amor?" she asked "no amor, these tacos are like way better" I replied and she nodded.

We got there and I ordered for her since this was her first time here I knew exactly what she would like, and I was right "holy shit, this is great" she said as she took another bite out of the taco, I suddenly got a call and excused myself to answer "si quien habla?" I asked as the number wasn't in my contacts "hola Alejandro" answered a woman "perdon pero quien es usted?" I asked as I couldn't recognize the voice "tan pronto te olvidaste de mi?" she asked, her voice sounded familiar but I couldn't remember who it was "deja te refresco la memoria, fui tu novia antes de que te fueras a esa misión de task force 141" she said "Liliana" I replied knowing who it was "si, hola guapo, marco para decirte que, tienes un hijo" she said, I scoffed "que, quieres que regrese contigo y esta es la mejor excusa que pudiste encontrar?" I asked.

"No ninguna excusa, es la verdad, cuando te fuiste me di cuenta que estaba embarazada, te marque pero cambiaste tu cel, tu mamá fue tan linda en darme tu nuevo número" she replied, I felt anxious, if she was telling the truth, how would I tell Mischa, not only that but my mother likes Liliana, I don't know how they would take me having someone else "mira Lilian, hagamos un arreglo y ya, yo pago por lo que sea que necesite el niño y-" she cut me off "es niña" she said "okay, lo que ella necesite, me dejas verla, acomodamos que días la vas a tener tu y que días yo y ya" I said, I didn't want anything to fuck up things with Mischa "el sábado, me dijo tu mamá que va tener fiesta, y tu estarás ahí entonces, lo hablamos en persona, Adiós guapo" she said as she hung up, I left out a sigh and went back to the table "is everything alright amor?" asked Mischa "si amor todo bien" I replied as we continued eating.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now