Always losing

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Mischa's pov

Once I was feeling better and we got intel on where Viktor and his men where at we immediately got ready to go for them, we wouldn't let them get Russia into war, I went into the town to inform them to get into their houses and not come out no matter what, I informed them what was happening and they agreed to help us find another place to stay since our current base wasn't safe anymore.

Once we were all ready we got in the trucks and started heading to the building where some locals said they saw Viktor.

Once we got there we immediately got off, Price was leading the way, "alright we gotta have guards up, pretty sure they expected us to come, you have full authorization to kill on sight any enemy you see" he said as we started walking inside the building killing some guards that were there "seems they were waiting for us huh" I said with a chuckle "yea" replied Alejandro as we made our way up through the stairs.

When we made it to the 5th floor we were greeted with bullets, one hit Soap on the shoulder I heard him groan, I pushed him to the ground as we continued shooting, I took out my knife and got behind one of the guys that turned to face Price that had made his way through them, I grabbed him, and sliced his throat, feeling his warm blood falling on my hand, hearing him struggle to breathe on his own blood as I laid him on the floor, that floor was now clear from enemies.

By now the other floors had to be aware of us being in the building, the building was at least 34 floors we had a lot to go.

We got to the 15 floor when we encountered more men than the last floor "how you holding up Soap?" I asked "well i'm still alive" he replied with a chuckle "I like you alive" added Ghost "so you do like me" teased Soap as we began shooting down the men on the floor "bloody hell how many men does he have?" asked Soap as he sighed in frustration "Mischa how you holding up?" asked Alejandro "fine, just wanna kill this fucker already" I replied "i'll help you" said Nikolay I laughed as we continued to move.

At some point I heard something ticking "hold up" I said as we approached a door "do you guys hear that?" I asked as they all hushed to listen "I don't hear shit" said Price as he opened the door "no!" I yelled but I was late, it exploded, my head was was pounding and my ears were ringing "fuck, is everyone okay?" I asked, silence filled the air, "anyone please, are you guys okay" "we are okay Raven" answered Alejandro I sighed "oh thank god, Price?" "i'm here" he said "Nikolay?" "hanging" he said with a chuckle "now is not the time to joke" I said "it's not a joke" he replied "what" I said as I got up and saw a broken window and Nikolay hanging on for dear life, I rushed to him "hang on Nikolay I got you" I said as I tried to pull him up but he was heavier than usual "you won't be able to pull us both up" he said as I looked down to see that one of Viktors men was hanging on his leg "fuck, guys if one of you guys can help me I really need you guys right now" I said through the ear pieces knowing they can hear everything "hang on Nikolay everything will be fine" I said as I started to struggle to keep him up, if I let go and he fell he would die, I can't lose him too "please for fucks sake anyone" I said again "I'm sorry Mischa you wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't been so close to the window" he said "it's okay, your my brother, I'll do anything for you, I won't let you go" I said as he started slipping more "fuck! please guys hurry" I yelled, maybe the ear piece wasn't working "Nikolay call for them I think my ear piece isn't working" I said "it's okay Mischa" he said with a sigh "no, Nikolay, whatever you are thinking no," said as tears started rolling down my face, he was slipping and so was my faith "come on! Alejandro! Price! Gaz! anyone!" I yelled again "I love you Mischa" he said as he let go "no! Nikolay!" fuck, fuck, fuck, why, I'm I always losing people, I sat down against wall and cried, Nikolay had been there everyday I needed him, anytime I felt alone he was there, I was going to kill Viktor where are the guys at?

I got up and got my gun and started searching but nothing they were nowhere to be found, suddenly on the intercoms Viktors voice spoke "Mischa seems like you are missing your team huh, come up to the last floor I wanna see if it's true you are still alive love" and with that I started rushing up, I couldn't think straight I kept thinking about Nikolay, oh my Nikolay.

Once I got to the top floor I waited for a moment, took a deep breath before kicking open the door and there were the guys tied up, Viktor in front of them, with 3 of his men I think we killed the rest of his men, I can take him and his remaining men.

"ah love, I see you still are as strong as always, nice to see you" he said with a smile "I can't say the same" I replied "Nikolay isn't here, I suppose he's gone" he said with a smirk, I must have made a face because he laughed "oh love, you always seem to be losing people ironic isn't it" he said as I pulled out my knife "come on pretty boy just me and you" I said as I got rid of my gear and bullet proof vest "you against my boys first love, though I know they are nothing against you" he said with a smirk as they took a step towards me.

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