Finishing the mission pt2

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Alejandro's pov

I stopped her from removing my shirt, as much as I wanted her I knew she was probably doing this because of the lack of emotion, she got off and faced the wall I didn't want her apart from me, I hugged her from behind and she whispered a sorry, this wasn't her fault I knew she needed some time, I kissed her head and we fell asleep.

I woke up before her, got ready and woke her up telling her we had to be out in 30 minutes, once we got on the helicopter she sat with Soap, I didn't think much about it until she rested her head on his shoulder, it made me uncomfortable for some reason so I closed my eyes and decided not to think about it.

I woke up when we landed and got off, I was gonna get back on to wake Mischa up when Soap woke her up, "fucken bastard" I whispered under my breath as I walked to Rudy "estás bien carnal?" he asked "si porque?" I questioned "you look mad" he said I hummed in response "is it because of Mischa?" he questioned, I looked at him shocked "how-" before I could finish he interrupted me "I have known you for 20 years carnal, I know when you like someone" he replied with a smile, I nodded we didn't have a chance to continue our conversation because the team caught up to us "Ghost, Soap, and Mischa you guys will take the left one, Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz take the right one I will be in the helicopter flying around in case anyone that looks like our man leaves the building" he said and with that we went on our way.

We made our way up encountering a few men but still no sight of the man we were looking for, after a while Price asked Ghost for an update and they had also still not seen him "how about you guys Alejandro?" he questioned "nada aca" I replied as we continued to move up, I heard Mischa sigh, she must still be tired, "captain we got him 10th floor" said Mischa "on our way" I replied as we rushed down and made our way to the other building.

We heard shots fire, seems like they didn't wait for us to get here, we rushed to make our way up once we made it, we got to the room and started firing at his men, more kept coming in but he was no where to be seen "where is he?" I questioned as I took down another one of his men "he ran, Mischa went after him" replied Ghost "where did they head to?" I asked "up" replied Ghost, I turned to look at Rudy and he nodded, he knew I didn't want her to go after him alone so with that I rushed out and started running up the stairs to find them.

"carajos!" I yelled as I found another room yet empty this building was fucken big and I couldn't find them "let go you bitch!" I hear someone yell and look up the stairway to see Mischa being pushed to the railing "Mischa!" I yelled but she didn't hear me she continued to run after him as did I "captain, do you want him dead or alive?" I asked unsure since he never told us "alive" he replied "si señor" I said as I continued to moved up.

I was going to continue running up the stairs when I heard someone struggling in the room to the left of the floor I was on, I kicked open door and it was Mischa, she was on the ground wounded, "Mischa, qué pasó?" I asked as I rushed to her side "Alejandro he is going to the roof, run" she said but I couldn't my legs wouldn't move "ya Alejandro run!" she yelled and I did "captain, he's running to the roof" I informed Price "roger" he replied.

I was making it to the last floor when someone hit me from behind "mierda!" I yelled I turned to see none other than our man "coward, hitting me from behind" I said as I turned around and took out a knife, I couldn't kill him but I could injure him just enough so we can take him in, I turned myself around so I could face him "come on" I said as he also got positioned to fight me, he threw a punch I easily dodged, I punched back hitting him on his cheek "captain, Mischa was stabbed, she will pull through but she needs medical attention now" informed Soap, "get her out here, medic is standing by" replied Price I sighed relieved "sad for your little girlfriend?" he questioned as he tried to tackle me down "que?" I asked "when I stabbed her she mentioned someone, Alex, Alexander, or Alejandro I didn't get to hear right because she whispered it, as if she was afraid to die without seeing that person on last time" he said tried to get another hit and missed, had she really been thinking about me? fuck that thought made me wanna finish this mission faster, I wanted to be by her side "let's stop playing" I said as in one quick move I passed one of my legs under his causing him to fall, I stabbed the knife in his leg, just somewhere he would be able to walk for a while, he yelled but I didn't care all I could think about was Misha, I started to drag him out when I heard someone open the door to the rooftop "boss!" he yelled as I turned around a gunshot went off, I got my handgun out and fired at his head causing him to go limp on the ground, that's when I felt the pain in my shoulder, I used my other hand to drag him out, once I got to the bottom, the helicopter was there, I handed him to price and went to the helicopter where Mischa was getting attended and "once you are done with her can you patch me up doc?" I asked as I sat down, she turned to look at me "por Dios Alejandro estás bien?" she asked "now I am" I replied as I turned to look at her and grabbed her hand.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now