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Mischa POV~

I woke up around 4 am and headed to the kitchen for a snack, I've always had trouble sleeping so whenever I couldn't sleep I would take a snack and head outside.

Once I got to the kitchen I started looking at my options of snacks, I decided on a just some granola bar since there wasn't much, I would have to go shopping soon, "buenos días" said a voice behind me, causing me to jump, I turn to see Alejandro as he put his hands up "sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said "it's fine, i'm used to it being just me at this hour" I said as I sat down on a chair and started eating my granola "why are you up so early?" he questioned as he sat across from me "I could ask you the same" I replied, he chuckled "fair enough, between me and you, Rudy snores sometimes and when he does it's loud" he said "so you?" he questioned again as to why I was up "I have trouble sleeping, when I do I just try to get myself tired" I replied, there was a silence for about 5 minutes before he spoke "sorry, i'm not good with conversations in the morning" he said, I shrugged and headed outside.

I had gone outside to go to a lake nearby to take a swim when Alejandro came out, "what will we be doing today?" he asked as I turned around to face him "we gotta get you boys used to the cold, if you don't get used to it, you guys won't last 2 hours out on the mission, look at you now, shivering" I said with a chuckle "well yea it's cold I don't know how you put up with it" he replied with a smile "our parents get us used to the weather at a young age, when the weather is at it lowest they take us to a frozen lake and make us swim for around 10 minutes" I replied "QUE?!" he yelled causing me to laugh "english please Alejandro, I don't speak spanish" I said "how can they do that to children?!" he questioned "they do it because we will live here our whole life, when we are kids, and old age is when we are most vulnerable to weather, which is why we need to get used to it" I replied "you don't plan on leaving? going to see other places? maybe you will fall in love with a different place and decide to stay" he said.

"Even if I wanted to leave I can't, this is my home country, I love the people here, and I will die making sure this country is safe" I replied "I feel you hermana, for me las Almas is my home and I would also die for it" he said with a small smile "it's still early, you can go in and rest and wait for the others to wake up" I said as I turned around to leave "wait, where are you going?" he questioned as he walked closer to me, now there was hardly any distance between us, I could smell his cologne "I'm heading to the lake for a swim" I replied "of course you are" he said with a laugh as he headed inside.

Once I got to the lake I took my pants off but left my long sleeve shirt on, with that I looked for a rock to break the ice, once I did I jumped in letting the coldness scare away my thoughts, I put in all my body pushing myself down just enough to not lose the hole I had made in the ice, sometimes this was the only thing that kept me sane. I got out after an a few hours and decided to start heading back to the base.

Once I got to the base everyone was up and in the kitchen, "ты пошла купаться без меня?!" questioned Nikolay "ты спала, я не хотел тебя будить" I said with a shrug "uh english please we don't understand Russian" said Soap, Nikolay and I looked at each other "it's something that you don't need to know" said Nikolay causing me to smirk, I had quite the temper but Nikolay was worse "it does because we are a team now" replied Soap "your sorry asses are here because Mischa is friends with Price, otherwise we wouldn't bother with you guys" said Nikolay as he approached Soap, Soap got up now they were at each others faces "what? you saying we can't do this mission without you guys?" questioned Soap "that's exactly what I mean, now if you don't-" before he could finish I stopped him "enough Nikolay!" I said as I raised my voice "but he-" he tried to protest but I didn't let him "I said enough!" I yelled, he nodded his head and left to our room.

"Don't take his words to heart, him and I are used to it just being us, he will come around, now I need you guys to get ready" I said as a turned to leave "for what?" questioned Ghost "we are going for a swim" I said as I turned to face them "with this weather?! are you crazy mate?" he questioned while looking at the others "you guys need to get used to our weather if not the cold will take you out before and bullet does" I replied, they nodded and with that I went to my room.

"Why did you stop me from telling them that we don't need them?" questioned Nikolay once I entered the room "because even if it's true, you and I know maybe one day we won't return from a mission, and I don't want that day to be a week from now, Nikolay, you are like a brother to me you know that right?" I questioned, he looked up at me and nodded "and if one of us dies I hope I die first, cause I don't wanna live without you, I don't wanna every learn how to go to sleep without you, tell me what's worse, working with a new team or one of us dying?" I questioned "one of us dying" he replied as he sighed "I want you to go apologize before we head out okay?" I told him and he nodded and left.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now