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All I saw was red and sharks, no sign of Amelia anywhere, I'm not stupid. I know what happened. Seeing it and imagining things I shouldn't I immediately went to land to throw up.

I felt my eyes burn from sadness and frustration.

I felt sick.

My best friend in this weird world is gone. My innocent friend who always wanted to listen to me talk about my interests and things back home. My mind flashed short memories I had with her.

I knew Peter pan was psychotic, but I guess I wasn't smart enough to realize how psychotic.

Literally what the fuck am I supposed to do?

Still kill the croc? Help the lost boys and Wendy get back to London and try to join them? Avenge Amelia?

If I did kill the Croc, Hook and I will be on better terms.

If I put all my effort into helping the lost boys and Wendy get back home and join them it would be kind of useless for me. Peter can still go to London if he wanted to, and it's not Like I can travel to a different country and run away from him forever if he never gives up. The only good thing is the lost boys would be in a better place.

And Avenge Amelia.. my heart hurts just thinking about her, she didn't deserve it at all.

I started to formulate a plan when I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind, a warm body pressing against my back.

I already knew right away who it was but my brain is still processing many things right now that I couldn't push him away.

"Zayn.. are you okay? I told her it would be dangerous but she kept insisting.. I tried to warn her.."

Such bullshit.

I felt his hand rub against my hair to try an comfort me.

The moment I felt his lips brush against my ear I pushed away from him and maintained a good distance away from him.

I saw his frowning displeased face, equivalent to a child after their favorite toy gets taken away.

I looked at him in disbelief, but I tried to keep my composure.

"Accidents...happen.. let's not talk about it, I want to be alone right now"

Bringing it up and starting conflict isn't the best choice right now, I need to plan and see what's a better option right now. I think I should kill the Crocodile so I can be on Hook's good side, he would be a much better friend than Peter.

Peter sighed,

"You shouldn't be alone, I should be here for you. I told you I like you, forget the Mermaid, just focus on me and the lost boys! You're a lost boy too remember?"

He tried to reason. Taking steps closer to me. I didn't take any steps away, like what's the point?

"Okay okay, fine. But just give me some space anyway. I need it. I'll head to the tree house in a few hours okay?"

I replied in a defeated tone. Peter smiled when he heard my agreement.

"You promise?"

He lifted his pinky finger

I'd rather recite the American constitution than do this.

But still, I wrapped my own pinky finger around his.

Just... Wow.  || YAND. Peter Pan x Male Oc || Where stories live. Discover now