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My bestie really askin me when they are going to kiss 💀

Miss girl-

It's only been 9 chapters 🧍‍♀️


10: Mermaid Bonding

It has been a week since I met Amelia, and I'm on my way to meet her for the 3rd time. Luckily I don't need Peter to carry me anymore, he got me a small pouch of fairy dust I wanted so I can fly on my own, very handy and I can attach it to my belt loops on my pants.

Which reminds me, I need to ask Peter for another favor, I've been asking a lot of favors to peter..

...like I care lmao 🤡

I need to go back to England, I'm going to borrow some clothes and maybe some more modern appliances and stuff for the tree house, olden England isn't as modern as 2000s America but its more modern than Neverland.

Yeah I'm going to ask Peter to take me since idk if I can leave and come back on my own.

Go at night and break into a store and borrow some clothes and other stuff.

They don't got any security cameras so I'll be good. I'm decent with lock picking.

Right now I'm going to meet Amelia on my own, don't ask me where Peter is, he told me earlier but I already forgot.


I wave my hands at her with a big smile on my face, she looks up and sees me approaching waving back with also a big smile on her face.

"Zaynnnn! I'm so happy you're here, I finished the necklaces, I can't wait to show you"

I sit on the land at the edge of the water instead of on the rocks for more security from the other mermaids.

They scoff and turn away to ignore me once they notice I'm alone.

I roll my eyes, good, I'd rather be ignored than confronted.

I look in Amelia's hands and see the pretty necklaces, small white and peach seashells littered on the tied string with a slightly bigger seashell in the middle, the necklaces had a glittering sparkle to them.

My eyes sparkled the same way.

I gasped, "wow, those look do pretty!"

She blushed and grinned at the compliment and shyly gave me one of the necklaces which I took immediately.

"Thank you Zayn, I'm happy you like it! It took awhile looking for the right seashells"

I nod my head at her and put the necklace around my neck.

"Yeah it seems difficult, I really love it.  Thank you for the gift Amelia"

We then started to talk about our day and that led to me talking to her about modern terms, slang, and other things.

She listened with great interest and put her input every now and then.

Even though it's been over an hour I don't want to stop. It's nice talking about these things to others, feels lonely not to.

"That's amazing, no cap"

She says with her hands to her chest trying out the modern slang.

Just... Wow.  || YAND. Peter Pan x Male Oc || Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt