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5: Messed up

After introductions Cubby pats his stomach.

"I'm hungry"

The other lost boys nod in agreement. Personally I'm not that hungry, but I could eat something as well.

I softly elbow Peter.

"Any food you got, great leader?"

He nods and goes to a different room in the tree, he comes back with bowls and hands us one. 

"There you all go! Berries and fruit"

I look and notice the bowl in empty.



"I don't see anythin'..?"

"Use your imagination Zayn! In Neverland you just have to believe, I can see the fruits and berries perfectly fine, and look at the other lost boys"

I look to see them 'eating'

More like eating air.

I cringe, is Peter seriously giving them make believe meals?

"Huh.. okayyy..."

Peter pats my shoulder.

"I'm gonna leave for a bit somewhere, you are in charge until I get back"

I give him a lazy salute

"Aye aye boss leader Peter"

He then flies out of the tree. Yeah this 'meal' isn't going to cut it. I go over to Slightly who was fake eating still.

"Can you get me a bow and some arrows? Maybe a basket also and some rope if you have any"

He looks confused but nods his head since I'm in charge for the time being.

He goes and gets all what I asked for.

I clear my throat and get their attention.

"I'm goin' out for a bit as well, hopefully before Peter comes back. I have a mission for you all... once you finish eatin'... gather small and big branches and put them in front of the tree house, if you can find a thin slab of rock as well that would be good too, don't stray too far from the tree. Got it?" 

I ordered, they nod and give me a salute.


"Haha you talk funny!"

I sigh and leave the tree to hunt some prey and maybe find some actual berries.

After a bit I managed to find some potatoes! I put as much as I can in my basket. I also had shot down a couple ducks as well and tied them to the rope.

I walked back to the tree house and noticed a pile of sticks big and small and a slab of rock as well. My mood brightens. I can make real food!

The lost boys notice me and come running.

"Is that more food??"

I nod.

"The berries and fruit didn't really fill me up much"

They were silent but the growling sounds their stomachs made  confirms their agreement with me. Poor boys.

I set the stuff down.

"Do yall have a knife and a big pot?"

I asked slightly since he was the third oldest. He nods and comes back with the items.

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