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2: Strange Boy


Though this is more based on the animated film, the plot, and some other things will be different. Also gonna mix some things I heard online and add it here.

Warning, in this book Peter is overly narcissistic and childish.





My eyes snap open and I sit up abruptly, trying to look at my surroundings with temporary blurred vision.

'What's that noise?!'

Its too dark to see anything, I turn on a couple lamps to brighten the room and see a shadow go in the closet at a fast pace. I.... what??


I rub my eyes to see if I'm imagining things.

Not a person but a shadow! Could be a rat tho.. I am tired.

I get up and head towards the closet.

It's silent, not a squeak or any signs of movement.

Hmm... strange..

Maybe I was imagining things?.

I am pretty sleepy after all.

Then I heard my window creak open more than it already was. Huh, did I forget to close the window last night?

I turn when I heard a voice.

"I saw him go in here!"

Okay first of all, it's night! Why are you being so loud! Secondly holy shit is that Peter Pan and Tinker Bell?

I complain in my head,

Why world?.. I thought I just got sent back in time, not into a fictional story.

I sigh and walk over to the Boy, it takes a few moments for him to notice me since he's rummaging through my drawers like he owned the place and a smile forms on his face when he does see me.

"Hello, have you seen my- !!!"

I grab his hand and drag him back towards the window, which wasn't hard to do because he was floating mid air. Tinker Bell trailing behind him also in confusion. 

"Wh-What are you-"

I forcibly put him back outside the window, which was easy in his state of confusion.

I cross my arms.

"May I come in, please?"

I say to him.

He looks at me confused.


"May I come in, please"

I repeat. He still looks at me confused until Tinker Bell says something in his ear, though I don't understand Bell language I'm pretty sure she gets what I'm trying to say.

"May I come in, please..??"

He repeats in an unsure manner. I then give him a smile back and side step so he can come in. I actually don't care if he rummages through my and William's stuff, it really isn't mine in the first place. Though, someone should be taught some manners.

"It's kinda rude for ya to just waltz in and go through someone's stuff with out askin', ya'know? Heya by the way"

Yeah, I'm not gonna fake an accent and speech mannerisms to EVERYONE it gets exhausting.

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