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11: Mr. Cool? More like Mr. Grumpy

I found more potatoes and made some makeshift hashbrowns and mashed potatoes with garlic for dinner.

"Thank you Zayn!"

The lost boys said their thanks in unison towards me, blowing on their food before eating.

I look at them with soft eyes.

They are so cute I wish I could spoil them!

But I can only do so much.

"I'm back! Smell's good in here, is dinner done?"

Peter is back from wherever, I motion to the pot of mashed potatoes for dinner.

" 'mashed potato, get it yourself, I'm lazy"

I sit on the floor and lean on the wall with a yawn.

I play with the seashells around my neck, I have already eaten.

I let out a small sigh while I look at the lost boys eat. It's been a bit since I've been here, it's alright considering everything here is something I would never find back at my old home.

Mermaids, fairies, a childish narcissistic elf who can fly...

I haven't even seen the pirates yet.

But I miss my home.. my family...


.....modern technology...

I never finished playing Pokemon legends on my Nintendo switch 😭

All the animes I never finished...

No Ryan Reynolds..

Ugh I need to stop complaining and moping. Look at the present and future, not the past.

Make the most and do whatever I want!

I'm a free boy now, nothing can tie me down!

I break from my thoughts when I felt someone touch my necklace, I notice it was Peter.

"Hey when did you get this? Did you make it?"

I shook my head at his question.

"Nah, Amelia made it for me. I'm actually thinking of making her something similar in exchange"

I say with a small smile, I think of Peter and the lost boys as my friends but with Amelia, she's a friend, but she's a bit more mature than them.

I have fun talking to her about things I normally wouldn't talk about.

At least she doesn't get upset when I mention grown ups and how they are perfectly fine. None of the mermaids really do.

I think it's just Peter who thinks that, and low-key brain washed the lost boys to believe that grown ups aren't good too.

After I had finished speaking Peter let go of my necklace.

"Because she made you a necklace, your going to make something similar and give it to her?"

I nod confusingly at his question

"Yeah? She made me something, is it not right to make something to give to her as a thank you?"

Peter crosses his arms, looking away with a pout.

"You never made me anything"

I raise my brow at him, is this dude fr?

"Why though"

He turns back, clearly upset.

"I do like 100 favors for you and you don't do anything for me back!"

🧍‍♂️ I know this man did not just raise his voice at me.

"So cooking, cleaning and telling stories doesn't count? I literally MADE dinner!"

I can feel the quiet stares of the lost boys looking at the both of us as we argued.

I grab Peter's hand and drag him towards his room.

I am not arguing in front of those boys.

"I guess it counts but you do that for the others too, I'm more special! I'm the who did those favors, not them! I deserve something made by you too"

Peter states throwing a mini tantrum.

I roll my eyes.

"Peter I think you're bein' a lil immature right no-"

"Until you make me a thank you gift too, I won't do you anymore favors!"

He nods his head and confidently walks out of his room with a 'hmmp!'

I deadpan in the direction he left, being alone for a few moments until he walks back in, confidence lost.

Peter: ....

Zayn: ....

"Uh, forgot this is my room"

He then pushes me out and repeat what he says before closing the covers. 

I look at the 'door' with disbelief before letting out a sigh.

Mr. Grumpy much?

I guess there's nothing wrong with making him something too, also fyi it was NOT 100 favors, only like 10.

I'll make him and Amelia a bracelet.

I still need to ask him to take me back to London to get some things.

I go back to the lost boys who all looked at me curiously

"Is everything alright?"

Slightly asks me, I smile warmly at them and pat Slightly's head.

"Of course! Everything is fine. I believe Peter is resting right now so you want me to tell you more about Naruto's Adventures?"


"I wish he was real though"

"...if he was then he would be the leader..."


I laugh, hopefully Peter didn't hear that whisper though I doubt he did since even I barely heard it.

Though he is right, I'd choose Naruto as the leader too though he is kinda childish too depending on which age he is.

I shake my head and continue the story.


Yalls comments crack me up 💀


I was going to make Zayn take the place of Wendy's family, but I was thinking of adding Wendy and her brothers too, following the plot to the movie a little bit.

I need some plot lol

Let me know what yall think.

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