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4: Neverland

Once we went through the star, idk how, had my eyes closed since it was kinda bright, we were in Neverland.

"You can open your eyes now"

I hear Peter say to me, I then open my eyes to see the the land below.

Okay, wow this place is admittedly magical looking.

"Whoa.... ...eh, this place is okayy"

I joke, Peter's grip on my arm tightens a small bit.

"Is that playfulness in your voice~? I know you think this place is more than 'okayy', I'll show you!"

He then flies into a direction, arms still linked so I had to follow.

I notice he's taking me to mermaid lagoon, it looks just like how it is in the animated movie.

We landed on a rock similar to the one Wendy would be on, Peter let go and sat on another rock pulling his flute out.

I decided to go and sit as well, bringing my knees to my chest.

I saw about 5 mermaids come up and surround Peter. They are so pretty, I always wondered what it was like to live underwater, kinda scary right?

"Oh Peter your finally back!"

Cried a blue haired mermaid, propping her elbows on the rock Peter is sitting on. A couple of others doing the same and twirling their hair with their fingers. Simps.

"Who is this?"

A red haired one swam up to me curiously, maybe they'll be a little friendlier since I'm not a girl.

I wave at her


"Oh that's just Zayn, I brought him here to Neverland so he wouldn't grow up!"

Peter answered for me while playing his flute.

A few mermaids greeted me back before their attention was back to Peter, paying me no mind.

Atleast they weren't hostile. The atmosphere was pretty peaceful in my opinion. 

Peter starts telling them a story about himself. I don't really pay attention, instead finding it more fun to run my hand in the water and picking a flower off a lily pad that looked pretty, I kept it in my hands and started to open it up a little more since it was half bloomed. I felt the petals while spinning it in my hands, they were soft.

"Hey Peter, do you think this looks pretty on me~?"

A brown haired mermaid asked, having a white flower tucked beside her ear, giving a little pose to Peter Pan. He gives her a glance and a smile.

"Yeah! But if you want my honest opinion, Zayn is prettier"

I choke on my spit, I look in Peter's and the mermaid's direction with shock written all over my face. Shock turning into uncomfy-ness when I notice the glares from the mermaids.


They say in anger and confusion.

Is Peter trying to kill me already?!

I laugh it off in a nervous manner.

"Haha, Your such a jokester Peter, he's obviously playin' around, nobody is prettier than you mermaids"

I claim with a smile on my face, their anger lowers, seeming to have believed what I had said. Who wouldn't believe that the beautiful mermaids were the prettiest?

Just... Wow.  || YAND. Peter Pan x Male Oc || Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt