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6: The tale of Naruto Uzumaki

At first I thought there would be left overs, but I was wrong.

There is no soup left. Everyone is groaning that they are super full from eating it all. But they were satisfied.

"I think it's time for a nap right?"

I say, the lost boys nod feeling tired.

They go to their make shift beds.

"Can you all give me your fur coats before sleepin'? I'll clean them and bring them back once yall wake"

They look at each other and reply with an okay, giving me their coats. They all had a thin piece of clothing underneath them.

"Can you tell us a bedtime story before we sleep?" Asked one of the twins as they all got comfy in their beds.

I nod, "alright"

Peter flies over and stands next to my side.

"Tell them a story about one of my adventures!"

The boys Start to get excited

"Yes tell us story about Peter Pan!"

Again, that would be awkward.

"We coulddd but what about the story of a young boy who has a fox monster inside him and is also a ninja, which is a warrior of stealth?"

Yeah I'd rather talk about anime than Peter Pan.

"Ooooo a ninja?"

"A fox monster?"

"What was his name?"

"Wait what? No talk about me, I went on better adventures than him!"

You don't even know who he is peter...

"His name was Naruto Uzumaki, he had many powers, like walk on water, walls, ceiling! Could make over a hundred clones of himself and can make a ball of light appear in his hand and use it as a weapon. Not to mention he gets powerful with the foxes power inside him! He goes on missions which are adventures with a team whose is just as powerful!"

"Whoa he sounds so cool!"

The boys talk fondly of Naruto as I talk about the missions he's been on while Peter crosses his arms and pouts, turning his back towards us, clearly upset but the lost boys pay him no mind.

I roll my eyes.

"Unfortunately, this boy doesn't actually exist, he's made up. Unlike Peter who is real and actually went on those adventures, so Peter is unavoidably better than Naruto"

I say after I finish talking about Naruto. I haven't reached the chunnin exam arc but that's alright.

"Awww... he's not real? Aw well, yeah Peter is better then!"

Casually admitted if Naruto was real he'd be better than Peter Pan.

Peter Pan didn't notice though and turned back around with a proud smile in his face.

"Of course!"

The boys then fall asleep.

I prop my elbow on Peter's shoulder,

"Glad that cheered you up, thought you would explode with how upset you looked"

I whisper playfully, he scoffs and shakes my elbow off. I blink as he starts walking to what I assume is his room.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

He grumbles. So childish.

I walk with him and wrap my arm around his shoulders causing him to make a sound of surprise. I playfully punch his chest and give him a smile.

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