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9: New friend?

We made it to Mermaid Lagoon.

Peter stood on a big rock and set me down, I let go of him and sit on the rock, making sure I was as far away from the water as possible. The mermaids would have to actively reach out in order to grab me.

"Peter! We've been waiting for you"

They all flock towards the rock, Peter gives them a smile and sits next to me.

"Did Cayn have to come too?"

One mermaid rudely complained, the others nodding in agreement.

I roll my eyes. Rude. So pissy over one comment.

Other than their attitudes, this place does of a soothing effect and it brings a peaceful atmosphere when you ignore all the jealousy.

Kinda like having a soothing tea with a lavender scent in the air.

I can see why Peter comes here often, aside from the attention he gets.

"His name is Zayn not Cayn, and I don't see a reason not to, he's my friend"

Peter spoke looking disappointed.

I don't know If it's because they forgot my name or didn't expect them to ask why I'm even here.

It was the mermaids turn to be disappointed but they quickly cover it up.

"Ya'll can just ignore me if ya want, I'm here for the atmosphere, this place is the prettiest place I've ever seen"

I say, not really caring. I'm putting my trust in Peter so I relax in my position.

They do what I suggest and put all their focus on Peter.

Except for one.

A girl my age with brown locks styled in a Ponytail and pretty green eyes.

She swam next to my side as the others tried to covet Peter's attention for themselves.

Zayn: ?

I lean towards Peter and whisper in his ear.

"Tell'em about Naruto"

His smiling face turned sour in an instant.

"Why would I talk about a fake person when a cooler person to talk about is sitting right here?"

Naruto may not be real but imagine people liking someone who is fictional more than you, I can 💀

I feign a flattered look.

"Aww you mean me? You're such a  flatterer, thank you~"

He blushes staring at me wide eyed.

"I-I uh I m-mean-"

I give him a strange look

"Bro I was jokin'"


He turns away from me and gives his attention back on the other mermaids and I turn to the mermaid who stopped at my side.

"Hello there" She greeted with a smile.


She tilts her head in confusion


I sigh,

"It's a greetin' and a mix between Hello and how are ya"

I explain, she looks at me curiously and her smile brightens.

Just... Wow.  || YAND. Peter Pan x Male Oc || Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat