Midnight Cake (11)

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99th Precinct


Three minutes left...

The group left almost 2 hours and a half ago, all leaving me millions of messages and missed calls. Gina and I had been snacking on the victory cake we had been saving, but they are taking way too long and it's hard to control yourself after a while.

"SHE'S HERE!" I heard Charles voice calling out while cracking mid-sentence. The squad rampaged into the room and stopped just before Gina's desk where Gina and I continued to eat our cake, not moving an inch.

"Y/n. How could you!" Jake spoke sounding offended. "Oh who am I kidding, I'm so proud!" Jake began to fan girl, until Rosa hit him in the back of the head to snap him out of it.

"How did you do it?" Terry asked.

Gina and I looked at each other. She nodded her head towards me, allowing me to explain.
I held my hand up, signalling to the animalistic group of fully grown adults to wait as I finished chewing the cake in my mouth. "Ahem. Well, Gina approached me, like what my second, third day? She explained the plot of the infamous Halloween heist, and asked for my allegiance. She and I have been plotting this ever since." I grinned.

"Go on..." Charles' eyes sparkled with anticipation.

I giggled at the man. "I first acted dumb, and clueless so you'll would all trust me. We set up a camera to watch over the egg. Once Rosa and Jake stole the egg, I went and flirted with Jake and distracted him so Gina could steal the egg. She replaced the egg with a fake, and waited for Jake and Rosa to return and find her 'stealing the egg'" Gina and I laughed.

"Then Y/n went home, and got a Taxi back here. She showed up behind me just as you left. We had more planned but you ran off before I could say anything." Gina shrugged while taking another bite of the cake.

"And would you look at that, it's midnight. And the egg is right here" I pulled the egg out of my pocket and held it in my palm. "I believe you owe us something" I smirked at the group.

Shaw's Bar

"Here's to Y/n L/n, and Gina Linetti, the Greatest Humans/Geniuses!" Holt announced to the group. Gina wore a glove with discoloured gems attached to it and I wore a plastic crown and we both held the egg.

The group cheered, celebrating our victory. Jake approached me and kissed my lips deeply. "Congratulations, darling" he smiled.

"Thank you! I believe you owe me something" I smirked. Jake blushed, "can you get me some beer please"

Jake breathed out, his cheeks faded from beign a rosy red. He chuckled and I danced in my chair to the music, "of course".


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