The next victim... (5)

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Jake's Apartment
6:32 am

~Jake's POV~

I had just finished making myself my gummy breakfast burrito, and making Y/n some pancakes when I decided I should wake her up.

Like the true gentleman that I am, I had Y/n sleeping in my bed while I slept on the sofa. As I made my way to my bedroom I began to panic: what if she does like pancakes? What if she doesn't like maple syrup? What if she is allergic to the ready make pancake mix I used and I kill her!?

Soon all my troubles melt away as my feet carry me to my room where I'm met with the peaceful view of Y/n cuddled into my duvet. She finally got the rest she craved after hours of working on the serial killer's case nonstop.

The bags under her eyes that once was prominent on her face had vanished. Her lips no longer curved into a frown and were now replaced with a small cute smile. Her cheeks once more had colour to them. She is now back to the way she once was before the stress began to consume her. Knowing she is now well rested makes my heart feel warmer.

"Y/n~" I call out to the sleeping beauty in my bed. My eyes never left her, not that I tried to look away anyway. How can she look so perfect laying there in my t-shirt and shorts?

Eventually, I got close enough to whisper into her ear. "Y/n~" I called her name once more. Nothing. Damn...

"I made pancakes~" as soon as those words left my mouth the woman shot up, hitting me in the nose.

"I'm up!" She announced, however as soon as she noticed me her excited voice turned to panic. "Oh, my- Jake! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to"

I was doubled over, one hand clutching my nose in pain while the other desperately clutched onto the bed for support. "Owe, owe, my nose! My beautiful nose! Ow-w oh my god! How am I in so much pain right now!?" As I rambled on, Y/n sprang up out of the bed. She ran around the apartment while holding my hand bringing me with her looking for the first aid kit.

Wait- she's holding my haaannddd!!!

As soon as my brain snapped back into reality and noticed her hand in mine, I stopped freaking out over the pain... and began freaking out over us holding hands!

I hope my hands aren't sweaty. I don't want her to think my hands are wet because that's how they usually are! My hands aren't usually wet but what if that's what she assumes? She'll never want to hold my hand again if she thinks my hands are always wet! But what if they are too dry?!

Eventually, Y/n found the first aid kit, well after I got a grip and told her where it is. Now we were perched on my sofa as she dabbed up the blood that trickled down my nose. I studied her face I noticed the way her brows furrowed in concentration and the way her lips were pulled into a perfect line as she wiped away my blood with so much care in hopes that she doesn't hurt me again. Her beautiful e/c eyes stare up at me, her pupils dilated while the light shined reflected against her eyes.




99th Precinct
11:56 am

~Y/n POV~

Jake and I eventually arrived at work. Guilt still loomed over my head from our mishap this morning. My heart ached to see him wince in pain because of my clumsiness.

I know that sounds pathetic but I was deeply worried about him, he invited me into his home, fed me and took care of me, and in return, I almost broke his nose!

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