First Case and Feelings (2)

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10:30am 99th Precinct

~Jake POV~

Exactly like a magpie when they spot a shining silver treasure, my eyes couldn't seem to leave Detective L/n, no matter how hard I tried. What are the odds that I lose the one woman I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, then she walks in? It's a miracle, a mid-March miracle.

Soon enough, she was then seized by Holt, who continued his tour of the Precinct. Not even a moment passes when the squad had me surrounded. "Oh, has Jakey got a crush?" Charles squeaked out in enthusiasm, while taking huge strides towards me.

I scoffed in disbelief. "What? No? What? No!" I defend myself, unfortunately, it didn't sound at all convincing. I even sounded as though I was trying to assure myself of what I was saying.

"Yeah man. You totally dig her. You were practically undressing her with your eyes" Rosa added, agreeing with Charles.

"I was not!" I rejected once more, scoffing and avoiding eye contact with any of my friends.

"You totally like her Jake. The best way to get over someone is to move on, whether you're ready to or not. So, talk to her, man." Rosa stated, causing me to look at her with confusion as Rosa is not the one for emotions or talking about feelings.

"Yeah, I agree with Rosa. Don't hide your feelings man, you gotta embrace them." Terry added, making me roll my eyes. I don't have feelings for L/n. I don't know her! I've, quiet literally, only said one word to her.

"I don't like her..." I denied further, persuading no one.

"Just admit you like her, Girl. And get some." As Gina continued to argue why I 'obviously like her', until Holt arrived wearing his usual unchanged face.

"What are you doing?" Holt demanded, his tone revealing his boiling anger that his face is incapable of showing. "Today is one of the most crucial days we have, we have a new Detective joining our squad. And you choose, instead of doing your duties, you decide to gossip around Peralta's desk? Explain yourselves. Now." Holt grew angrier by the minute. Awkwardly, Terry, Charles, Rosa, Gina and I glanced at each other, waiting to see who will make the first move.

Unfortunately, before any one of us could answer our Captain, Scully, of all people, spoke up... "They were talking about how Jake likes the new Detective, Cap. If you ask me, they'd make a great couple, like pickles and mayo." Everyone groaned at the man's answer, not only out of disgust, but also annoyance that he would tattle to the Captain.

The Captain turned to me, his face as unreadable as ever. "Yes, it is quite obvious you have a thing for her. Don't scare her away, Peralta. As for the rest of you, back to work." With that, our Captain strode back to his office.

11:02 The 99th Precinct

~Y/n POV~

With a sigh of relief, I emerged from the Captain's office and made my way towards my new desk. Holt had assigned me a case and requested that I take Jake Peralta with me. Gently, I place the case files on my cold desk and take a seat. After a moment of adjusting my aged office chair and placing some notebooks, a rainbow of sticky notes and a pot of pens on my desk, I then move to notify Peralta about the case we've been instructed to work together.

My eyes settled on the man before me, who seemed to be bored out of his mind, repeatedly inputting data onto the system. It seems as though he hasn't noticed me, so I choose to speak up. I clear my throat, "Excuse me, Peralta, right?"

Startled, Jake looks up in alarm, but his demeanour softens when his gaze lands on me. "Uh, yeah, that is me. I am him. Peralta. Jake Peralta. As Holt said before. How can I help you?" The man stuttered and rambled on, resulting in me giggling at his obvious nerves.

"I've been assigned a case, and Holt instructed that I have you as my Secondary. So I've come to brief you on the crime at hand." I smiled warmly at Peralta, who nodded excitedly.

"Yes! I mean- yeah of course, Captain's orders." He made like Taylor and Swiftly got out of his chair, and guided me to the briefing room, where I grabbed the files along the way.

Jake and I took a seat opposite each other on one desk. The files were laid neatly before the two of us. "So, this woman, Dayana Haddock was murdered last night in her apartment on the eighth floor. Crime scene investigators swept the area and found no murder weapon or sign of forced entry. She lived alone with her turtle, Shelby. All CCTV footage on that floor has been wiped the neighbours do not remember seeing anyone suspicious entering or leaving the building." I sighed, knowing this was going to be a complicated case to crack.

I heard Peralta sigh too, clearly thinking the same as I. "Ok, so no witnesses, no murder weapon, no leads." I nodded, confirming the facts. "What do you think we should do?" To my astonishment, Peralta consulted me, the newbie, about what we should do.

Quickly I compose myself, and focus up. "I suggest we talk to the victim's family members and close friends, to see if there was anyone in Dayana's life that would have the motive to do this. Door duty is essential, despite it being boring. I also want a list of everyone who has access to the security cameras in the building." After being lost deep in thought, my brain is pulled back into reality. I lift my gaze from the table to see Peralta grinning fondly at me. My face heats up, and I feel myself slowly match the colour of blood. Instinctively I avert my gaze, hoping to cool down in the process.

A moment later, Peralta seems to come back into reality, agreeing with me. And with that, we get prepared to head out.

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