Chapter 78

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I sat here beside her hospital bed holding her hand. Tubes and wires are attached to her and the doctor said that she needs to recover for at least three days in the hospital depending on her progress. I've called Debbie to let her know and apologize for what had happened but she's an angel thinking its not my fault that this happened although I still think otherwise. She said she'll book a flight and be here in the morning with Jim and Casey.Trent and the twins are currently in talks with the doctors to let me stay for the night. I'm too lost to even handle that and I just refuse to leave her side. I wan't to be here when she wakes up.

But I don't know what happens when she wakes up. Well, we're on a verge of a break up earlier. I understand that she wants me to be safe but if that means being away with her, not seeing her everyday, talking and laughing with her, then maybe I just don't want to be safe. I know she won't hurt me, I know that and I just don't understand why can't she believe that herself.

This is a major step back though, she was doing so good but then this happens. I never thought we'd go back to this again. Feels like dejavu waiting her to wake up from a hospital bed but this time its not just a panic attack. Its even more serious than that.

Suddenly, the door opens revealing Trent and the twins walking in. I really appreciate them doing this with me and its so comforting knowing how they treat Shannon as family already.

"You're allowed to stay." Trent says placing a kiss on top of my head and stands beside me looking at Shannon. I looked up to him and saw a hint of bruising on her cheek.

"I'm sorry about the-"

"Oh that's alright. I asked for it. I didn't knew what was happening and when I saw you crying, I just went on full big brother mode, I guess."

"I knew something was wrong the moment we talked to her. She looks so lost. Did this happened before?" I let out a breath and nod as the memory flash in my head.

"We had dinner after Comic Con and she was doing okay. She even left me with Scarlett to be with the boys but after the talk with Kevin she just shuts down completely. She didn't talk on the ride home and I left it thinking maybe she's tired having to meet people and all. When we got home she went straight to the kitchen and that's when I heard a crash. She smashed the top of the bottle of beer to the sink because she couldn't find the bottle opener and cut herself. Here." I opened Shannon's hand revealing the scar on her palm hearing mutters from the them.

"When I was talking to her, I couldn't get anything from her. Its not new to me that she tends to zone out when she's in that state but what scares me is that her eyes are much darker and its getting harder to bring her back. She never did hurt me or did anything to scare me off. I just don't want her to be stuck in that state ever again."

"Oh God, Is she getting help. She goes to Joan right?" Ashley says looking at me with worried eyes.

"She stopped, we were suppose to go back but she couldn't handle the stress of it so we had a deal that when she's better she's going back to her." I held her hand in mine again and placed a kiss on it before gently stroking her cheek. She looks so peaceful in her sleep far from her state earlier where she's all over the place.

"I miss her." I sniffed and let out a smile as I hear Mary Kate say. They've been too attached to her and it breaks my heart to let them know what happened after she had the attack and as much as I don't want to think about it. I can't help it. The way she said she's done as she looks me in the eye just sends daggers to my heart stabbing it all over again.

"Yea, she really throws a good punch." I hear Trent says making me look up to him and giggle. Well, its a good thing, he still likes her. "Well, she'll come around eventually." I look back at Shannon quite unsure of that.
I didn't realized that I had fallen asleep until I felt Shannon squeezed my hand. So I look up and saw her scrunching her eyes. So I stood up and pressed the button on the side of her bed to call a doctor.

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