Chapter 65

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That's all I feel. I don't know how long I've been staring at the wheel in front of me but something tells me its been a while. Somehow everything was making sense. The ring, too busy on her phone during dinner, rejecting Jake's presence. Was it because she knows he's here. Did I do something wrong, or did I say something that is not right. I'm trying to recall anything, just anything I've done to give me some reasonable explanation for all of this. She leaned in first, she wanted it. I saw it.

I have not shed any tear yet, maybe because it haven't sunken into me yet. I'm in a state of shock and my thoughts are taking their advantage to ruin my mind. I don't know what to do. What will I do when I see her. What will I say when she would talk to me.

I can still feel my heart racing and beating so loud. I'm surprised I can still hear it because I feel dead already. I can't feel anything but pain in my entire body like its eating me out alive. Now what will happen.


My eyes avert to my phone seeing an unknown number calling. Subconsciously, I picked it up and answered it. Its her

'Shan its me, I'm sorry my phone died. You can pick me-'

'I'm outside' It was barely a whisper but I know she heard it. God just hearing her voice physically hurts me. Like nothing happened.

'Oh alright, I'll be down in a second okay. Alright bye.' and with that the phone call ends. What the fuck was that. In some scenarios, I wouldn't think too much of it but right now. I can see it in plain sight. I glanced at the time letting me know I've been sitting here for like two hours. It didn't even felt like hours feels like minutes

I set my eyes at the entrance and there I saw her with her friend, I think its Jade holding her by the waist so I got out of the car and walked towards them swallowing the lump forming in my throat and try to hide the pain just like I always do.

"Hey, I'll take it from here." I say making them look up to me cutting their little giggle session. I can see Elizabeth looking at me with a smile on her face, how can she smile like that, after what she had done.

"Oh hi, you must be Shannon."

"Yea and you must be Jade, Happy Birthday by the way." I finally put on all my courage to look at her as she moves closer wrapping her arms around my waist and in that moment I wanted to burst but I tried my best to keep it in and put my mind in survival mode.

"We need to go home, thank you." I said earning a nod from her. Elizabeth says her good bye before we made our way towards the car with her stumbling a little. She's drunk. I helped her in the car without saying a word and strapped her up.

"Hi honey" She slurs touching my cheek making me stop for a second and hold back the tears. "I missed you" I ignored what she said and continue to strap her up. After that, I pull away and closed her door biting my lip and breathe for a while. I can't break now. I slowly made my way to the driver seat and immediately started the engine.

"I'm sorry my phone died." She whispered turning her head to me before taking my hand in hers. "Please don't be mad" I just gave her a nod and started driving trying my best to just turn my attention to the road rather than her looking at me and for some reason, I wanted to get home as soon as possible because this hurts so much and I just want to be alone and release.

The ride home was silent. She's now asleep on the passenger side and as I glance at my hand in hers, I remembered how she held his face as she kisses him so I withdrew my hand from hers and settled it on the wheel. I park on an empty spot in the parking lot in our building before turning off the engine.

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