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Chapter Twenty-Five: Tsuguko's, Tsuyuri Kanao and Takumi HikaruW/C: 5151

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Tsuguko's, Tsuyuri Kanao and Takumi Hikaru
W/C: 5151

"I hear Tanjiro-San is having the girls beat him with carpet beaters every time he stops Total Concentration Breathing." Shinobu's melodic voice says to Miyake.

Miyake, Shinobu, and Hikaru sat in the Butterfly Estate's dining hall, late at night, all of them wore casual clothing. Shinobu wore a sakura kimono and Miyake wore his classic black kimono. Hikaru wore her haori over a white kimono.

Miyake tilted his head with a playful smile, "Is he really?" He shrugged, halfway impressed, "I told you he has potential."

Hikaru smiles, "Those siblings truly are amazing. I can't believe that demon doesn't eat humans, it's amazing. I wish we had known about her sooner."

Miyake absentmindedly nods.

"Tatsuo-Sama, are you still adamant on keeping that demon alive?" Shinobu says with a noticeable tick mark on her forehead as she clutched her chopsticks tight.

Miyake doesn't make an expression as he gingerly eats his oyakadon and drinks his soju, he downs the glass easily. Hikaru grimaces, it saddened her how easily Miyake drank.

"Onii-Chan, please don't drink so much, you'll hurt yourself." Hikaru said calmly, drinking her tea.

"Don't you know it's rude to not answer someone? That's probably why you and Tomioka-San are such good friends, you're both so rude!" Shinobu giggles.

Hikaru's eyes widened slightly before relaxing and looking down at her plate, the atmosphere was so tense it made her calm facade quake beneath her beautiful smile.

Miyake stops what he's doing, he sets down his chopsticks and bows his head to her, "Good night, Shinobu-San, Hikaru-San, I will see you tomorrow, I will be staying in my estate tonight."

Shinobu realizes she somehow offended Miyake, "Ara ara~ Im sorry Tatsuo-San, I didn't mean to compare you to Tomioka-San, you need to stay longer so I can monitor your condition."

Hikaru nods vigorously, yet doesn't say a word.

"You don't understand Giyuu-San, and you never will. Dismiss me, Shinobu-San." Miyake said through gritted teeth, respectfully waiting for the host to dismiss him.

Shinobu sighs, "Your honor and respect clouds your judgement sometimes, you're dismissed,

Miyake let's out a laugh, "Ha, and your fake personality has yet to successfully hide your violent anger towards me. Goodnight, Shinobu-San."


"Just you again today, Tanjiro?"

Tanjiro sulks, he bows down to Aoi, "I'm sorry. I did ask them to come, but..."

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