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Chapter Twenty: Pretend Family & Against Corps RulesW/C: 4615

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Chapter Twenty: Pretend Family
& Against Corps Rules
W/C: 4615

Miyake opened his eyes slowly, finding himself lumped against a tree and Rui crouching down in front of him. He tilted his pounding head, barely remembering what happened before he switched out.

Mayike was being a bitch, not helping Miyake heal correctly, it made Miyake feel weak. How pathetic, such a strong figure, always so weak... but Miyake couldn't think about that right now.


Rui kept his stoic face as he glanced at the tree line from the corner of his eyes, "Your brother... he had been taken by that Water Hashira... as well as the demon girl."

Miyake nodded slowly, finding his head to be falling to the side in exhaustion, "Hm.. why... why are you still... here?"

Rui pursed his lips, he sat down in front of Miyake, "The pillar said that someone would kill me, and he left me here, while he took the siblings... though... Master wants me to take you to him..."

Miyake blinked, his movements slow as he had never switched with two of his reincarnations before, he found himself sleepy. Almost unable to respond, his head hurt, and his body was sore. He wouldn't be able to fight accordingly in this state, it would be dangerous. Miyake would rupture his lungs, or faint, which was worse in his opinion.

Rui frowned slightly, "How disappointing... you can't fight in this state... guess I will just have to take you to Master."

"Get away from Onii-Chan."

Miyake's body tensed noticeably when he heard her voice, it was Hikaru.. wasn't she supposed to be accompanying Shinobu? Why is she alone? Miyake coughed out as he tried to get up, only to slump down in an immense amount of pain.

Why was Mayike making this so much more painful for Miyake than it needed to be? He was doing this on purpose, making Miyake feel weak, this was the only time Mayike could feel true power over Miyake.

"Ple...Please... Rui..." Miyake spoke out weakly, his eyes half lidded as he tried to gain someone's attention, anyones!

Rui sighed, and stood up, his body facing Miyake but his eyes glaring dangerously at Hikaru, "You disrupted my time with Miyake-Sama..."

"Please... I'll go... I'll go to Muzan..." Miyake's tired grey eyes held desperation as he begged, "Please don't hurt... please don't hu-hurt my little sister..."

Hikaru narrowed her eyes at the demon, too far away to hear Miyake but close enough to notice he was in pain. Hikaru heard the faint sound of his pulse, his blood almost frozen in his veins, reining his body immobile... Hikaru breathed out erratically, Miyake must've used his dangerous breathing form...

Hikaru scoffed out with a smile, "Lowermoon. Don't listen to that Hashira... fight me." She sang out, her blade gracefully at her side.

Rui scrunched up his nose in disgust, "You're covered in wisteria... how annoying..."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂 | 𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now