6. Sticking to Ava I

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Placing Ava on her bed he covered her with the duvet and sat down on the near by seat .
She fell asleep mid crying and it was night time, all the guest left already, well except for silver who refused to leave Ava room and also not permitting anyone in.
He has been listening to his friends nagging all day until he shut out their mind link and focus on his mate Ava.

She was beautiful, her hair brown her eyes chocolate, her feminine face squeeze in a frown her slightly nude lips pale.

She was graciously average in stature and her skin rosy and smooth.
She made little noise from her sleep.
Silver immediately stood up from his seat and made his way to the bed.
He bend towards her and brush her hair off her face the tingling feeling he felt from the contact was soothing.
He smiled unable to get enough of it, he had lived long enough but never felt something as beautiful as this.

"So this is how it feels like to find one's mate, no wonder some die from losing their mate. I will definitely lose my mind if anyone take you away from me, I won't even let you out of my sight".

Ava moves her head in his direction before opening her sleepy eyes. She stare at him for a moment totally confused before realization hit her .
She moved back so hurriedly that she fell off the bed, she winced in pain from the impact.
Fear grips silver as he rushed to the other side of the bed wondering if she broke a bone she was so fragile.

"Are you okay?"
Ava screamed.

" Stay away from me", she said annoyed that he placed all the blame on her.

"Hey let me see you....."

"Stay away, Sarah, Sarah?"
The door was strung open almost immediately.

"Ava? What....."
She stop mid sentence when she saw silver wolf on the surface.

How dare she interrupt his time with his mate.

Sarah gulped down the non existing spit.

"Ah ...um Alpha silver she isn't use to your present........so she ah"
Sarah stammer.

"Sarah who's he, who let him into my room?"

Alpha west also rushed in followed by silver pack members.
Silver was still squatting in his position in front of Ava.

" What going on here?"
West asked.

Ava stood off the floor wary of silver movement, she climbed up the bed and move to meet Sarah at the other side.

Silver was about to follow when his friends pulled him back.
Ava stared at him confused before moving out with Sarah, Alpha west stayed behind after patting Ava on the head.

"Alright silver please explain what going on, cause I can't seem to point to the problem here, you are behaving strange with Ava and I don't like that"
West said.

How dare he, alright came down he said to his wolf nothing would come out of fighting.

"She is my mate", he said so bluntly that everyone around him felt the shock of his words.

" Your what!!!"
Liam and Dave both exclaimed.
Sasha simply blink.

"Well you might have been mistaken, there's no way you could have known that, she doesn't have a her wolf....."
West was saying when silver growled.

"Call her that one more time then you would find me breaking all the bones in your body", silver threaten.

West gulp, silver was still the strongest Alpha and he was immortal so pissing him off his like putting his pack in danger . But Ava was is niece and letting a psycho claiming her as his mate his like putting her in the hands of the devil.

" Silver are you......"
Sasha was saying when she got cut off.

" My wolf felt her okay and there's the spark that comes with touching ones mate you told me that right",

" Alright that true",
Dave admitted.

" And you felt it with her"
Liam asked.

" No i felt it with you", silver said with sarcasm.

West sigh. "She didn't feel it".

"must be an issue with her wolf", silver said.

"Whatever you say, I guess it's up to her",
"We should go tell her right away so we could bring her home with us".

West didn't like the sound of that but that wasn't his decision to make.

"No one tells her, I want to be the one to, but after I cleared the air between us"

West nodded making his way out." my helper will show you to your various rooms",He say before making his way out the room.
"Am still in shock",Liam said.

"No one expected it", Dave said.

"Alpha this way please",
an omega said to them, leading them to their rooms.

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