chapter thirty one

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a/n - this is a REALLY long chapter lol! idk if y'all take this as good news or bad news but this chapter covers her whole week at rehab

There I was, standing in front of the huge brick walled building. I felt like it was silently mocking me, judging me.

I gathered up the courage to walk in and was hit with a cool air, and greeted by a middle aged women sitting behind a desk.

"May I help you?" Her voice snapped me out of the blurry daze I was in.

"Hi, yes actually, I would like to check myself in."

And then it started.


I had finished up with filling out the stack of papers I was handed by the desk lady and was being led to what looked like my dorm for the next week or so.

"This is where you sleep, eat, etcetera."  The tour lady spoke, "There are more places in the facility you will be shown during your stay but most importantly this is your room."

She opened a door leading into a wide set room with two beds, everything was white and it almost looked hospital like. As I walked in I noticed there was another girl in here.

"This is Natalia, you two will be sharing this room." She smiled and gestured torwards Natalia who was sat criss cross on her bed drawing in a sketch pad.

She had long black silky hair that rested upon her lower back and bright blue eyes, almost piercing, But unlike so many others with blue eyes, hers didn't hold a sparkle.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled, looking up from her sketch pad and holding out a hand.

I returned her smile and shook her hand.

"Well I will leave you ladies to get to know each other, you will be woken up tomorrow for group therapy." She gave us a smile, waved, and shut the door behind her.

"I wasn't expecting company so soon." Natalia spoke.

"I wasn't expecting any of this." I replied.

"Yeah, I just got here yesterday."

"I guess we will be taking this journey together then." I smiled.


I was awoke by a knock on the door early in the morning. Although I didn't have an alarm clock, I knew it was early due to the grey color filling the room.

"Breakfast time ladies." Came a chirpy voice from the door frame.

I was seriously regretting this.

I sat up in my bed and rubbed the grogginess from my eyes.

When I focused in on my surroundings, I noticed two trays sitting at the front of the room awaiting us on a small table.

I grabbed mine and Natalias, after handing hers to her, I sat down and silently ate the breakfast I was presented with.

It was a fried egg, two sausages and a yogurt. No knifes or forks on the tray, for obvious reasons I guess.

It wasn't an A1 breakfast, but it was enough.


After a few hours of small talk with Natalia there was another knock at the door, this time reminding us that it was time for group therapy.

We were led into a large room, filled with chairs positioned in a circle. There were already some people here and an older looking woman in a pantsuit sat at the center of the chairs.

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