chapter twelve

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* i'll have a note when to play the song *

I have had the most wonderful time with my mom these past 2 days, I wish I could stay but I have responsibilities back at home.

It is 10 A.M and I am packing the clothes that I did wear and washed into my suitcase. As I suspected, I didn't use half the clothes or shoes that I packed.

My mom has always been an early bird so I suspect she's already down stairs making coffee and breakfast.

As I make my way down the stairs the smell of bacon and eggs smack me in the face. I sit my suitcase down on the couch. My mom is at the table and has a plate already made me for me. Bless her.

"Goodmorning mom! Thanks for the breakfast." I sit down in the chair across from her.

"Of course honey." She smiles.

Shadow wakes from his slumber on the couch to come and greet me. After a few kisses he stays by the table begging for food.

"I'll probably head out after breakfast." I Inform her as I take a bite out of the bacon.

"Okay sweetie, you have a safe drive back, and call me when you make it home."

"I will mom, I love you."

"I love you too."


I was headed towards my favorite coffee shop in my town to grab some sugary caffeine for some energy on the drive back. My mom doesn't have sweetener or any creams. She always drinks her coffee black.

I pulled up to the little shop and made my way towards the door. Stepping inside I'm greeted with all the memories of this place.

I ordered a small frappuccino and waited at a tiny table for my name to be called. I was scrolling though my phone when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and my eyes were met with...Ugh him.

"Chase." I rolled my eyes

"Um, Hi Nicole. What are you doing back home?" He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Nothing that concerns you." I scolded.

"Look I never really got the chance to-"

I interrupted, "What do you want Chase."

He rocked back and forth on his feet. "I just wanted to apologize. I tried calling but you had blocked my number by then."

"Okay." I replied hastily. "I don't really have time for this."

He opened his mouth to reply when he was interrupted by the barista calling my name.

"Bye Chase." I grabbed my coffee and left the shop as fast as I could. Leaving a dumbfounded Chase looking back at me.

The nerve of him. He breaks my heart and thinks a simple apology a year later is going to make me forgive him. Chase is my ex, we were together for three years, then I caught him making out with a random girl at a Halloween party. Years of love and commitment thrown out the window in 5 minutes.

I left the party and blocked his number. He came to my house a few times yelling through the door that he had made a mistake, but I never opened it. When I left for college I was finally free of him. That's the first time I have seen him in a long time. He looks no different though. Still has wavy brown hair and the green eyes that I fell in love with.

i recommend playing the attached song now :)

After about two hours on the road I finally arrived home and I couldn't wait to tell Ariya about what happened. She was going to flip.

I'm pretty sure she is the reason he stopped coming by my house but she would never admit it when I asked.

I walk up to my apartment and unlock the door, ready to gossip with Ariya about my trip.

I hear voices coming from her room.

I wonder who she has over.

I open the door to her room and my stomach drops.

Tears threaten to fall down my face at the sight.

Ariya and Milo are sat at the edge of her bed. Lips connected as her hands run through his hair. My intrusion startles them and they quickly pull apart. Milo looks at me with pleading eyes as Ariyas are filled with surprise.

I feel like I'm moving in slow motion. Like time has stopped. I back away from the door, the tears building up in my eyes threatening to fall.

I run towards my keys on the counter and head for the door, wanting to leave this place as quick as possible.

"Nicole wait!" I hear Milos voice faintly as I make my way out to the hall, walking briskly to the elevator.

I wasn't as hurt by this action from Milo, I didn't trust men and I wasn't surprised, I was more disappointed, I really liked him. I thought he was different.

But Ariya, I am gutted. My only friend, the girl I trusted with my life, I would have never expected this from her. I have never felt a cut so deep. My heart feels like it's being ripped apart vein by vein. Never have I ever physically felt a betrayal more than this. She was the one who comforted me when my dad wouldn't show up to my birthdays. She was the one who comforted me after my first heartbreak, I never thought she would be the cause of my second one.

I was practically running to my car now. I wanted to get out. I felt my insides burning to leave.

I reached my car and still heard the faint yells from Milo.

But now I was gone.

Silence filling my car.

Sweet silence.

after this is where shit goes downnnnn, no more boring chapters (imo)

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