chapter five

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I walked into my apartment and yelled Ariyas name.

She came out of her room and gave me a baffled look.

"What?" She looked at me perplexed.

"You told Milo our address?"

"Ohh that... Yeah, he asked. I answered. He's hot, you're hot. What are you stressing about?"

I guess she was right. I always have my guard up and I need to learn how to let loose, but what if he's psychotic.

"He could be psychotic Ariya." I rolled my eyes.

But as Ariya does, she completely ignored the problem at hand and jumped to another conversation.

She eyed me "How did you know I gave it to him though?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Really Ariya. That's what you're focused on?"

"Yes. Did he ask you out or something?"

"As a matter of fact, yes he did. He told me to be ready by 7 and to wear a dress."

I could see the light in Ariyas eyes come to life. "OH MY GOSH, we have to get you ready."

"Ariya, It is 10 am."

She looked down at her phone and back up to me. "You're right. We'll start getting you ready at 1."

Before I could even reply she had already went back to her room and shut the door.

What is that girl on?


It felt like no time had passed before the clock read 5:00 P.M.

I guess I should start getting ready now. Ariya must have fallen asleep or else she would have bursted into my room hours ago. I wasn't going to wake her up either.

I made my way to my shower to wash off my body and shave, you never know what could happen.

After my olympic run of shaving everything, I stepped out of my shower, wrapped myself in a towel and headed to my room to pick a dress.

Where was he taking me for me to have to wear a dress?

But I pushed the thought out of my head and came to terms with the idea of a surprise.

Again I had the 'no clothes to wear' dilemma. I plopped down on my bed and groaned.

"Why would you let me sleep so long you bitch."

And there she was

"You looked so peaceful."

"Whatever." She replied agitated. "Why aren't you dressed? It's 6 o'clock."

"I don't know what to wear." I complained.

She rolled her eyes and started going through my clothes.

"What's the occasion?" She said sharply.

"I don't know, he just said to wear a dress."

"Oh okay, so we have to do something in between. Something that'll work for a fancy restaurant but also something that would work for a night out in the town."

"You are overthinking this way too much." I laughed.

"You're the one who can never pick an outfit." She turned around to face me. "Indecisive ass."

I looked at her with my mouth agape.

"Try this."

She threw me a soft material black dress. It had off the shoulder sleeves with an open back. I had forgotten I bought this dress. I don't even think I've ever worn it.

She left the room to go make herself dinner. I slipped into the dress and it fit like a glove, it showed some cleavage but not too much. I loved the way it hugged my curves and fit around my waist. My light brown hair hung at my shoulders so my collar bone was showcased.

"I'm so good." Ariya was looking at me from my door frame. "You have to wear it."

"I love it but you don't think it's a bit much?"

She gave me an unpleased look. "Live a little, You look great. Specifically your tits."

I laughed at her attempt to make me feel more confident. "Why thanks. Would you do me the honor of curling my hair?"

"I thought you'd never ask." She grasped her heart.

My hair is thin so it didn't take Ariya long to finish my hair. I didn't want dramatic curls so she gave me loose ones. I applied some falsies, concealer, and lipgloss. Added some jewelry and slipped into my black heels. I felt so extra right now.

It was 6:50 and Milo would be here shortly. I grabbed my purse and anxiously waited for him on my couch.

I heard a knock on my door and anticipated even getting up. Ariya looked at me and angrily hand gestured for me to get it.

I flipped her off and got up to open the door. My mouth almost dropped. He was wearing dress pants with a white button up shirt tucked in and dress shoes. His tattoo sleeve and rings topped off his look perfectly.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

Oh boy am I ever.


We were in his sports car on the way to the mystery place he still hasn't told me about.

"Are you really not going to tell me until we get there?"

"Yep." he looked over to me and glazed over my body. "You look amazing hermosa."

I was taken aback by the slight Spanish. Now he definitely knows what he's doing.

"And you look handsome." I returned the compliment.

We finally pulled into a place I had never seen before. It wasn't a restaurant but there was a well lit gazebo, and we were by the water. There was a table in the center.

"Oh my gosh! How did you do all of this?" I gasped, taken aback by the beauty of it all.

It was amazing, this is probably the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for me.

"I'll never tell." He opened my door and led me out to the table in the center. He pulled out my chair for me.

What a gentlemen. I didn't know men like this still existed.

"So you're definitely not a lowlife. Good to know." I situation myself in the chair, "You could still be a convenience store crackhead though, you never know."

He laughed and sat down in his chair across from me. "I find that highly offensive." He adjusted himself in his chair as well. "I didn't know what you liked so I just got pasta, I feel like everyone loves pasta." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"You read my mind. That's actually my favorite food."

I could see a weight lift off of him. "Oh thank God."

It was cute how much he cared. No guy has ever gone through this much effort for me. This felt foreign.

"Everything is perfect. This is perfect."

"I'm glad you think so." He smiled.


We finished our food pretty quickly.

The rest of the night consisted of small talk and shared glances

"Shall I take you home madame?" Milo questioned in a mock english accent.

"You can take me to your home."

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