43| guilt

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Trigger warning: Mention of addiction.

3 years later

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3 years later

I watch the city lights through my living room window. I thought that the guilt would go away with time, but it hasn't, not even a little.

I have tried drowning myself in alcohol to get the ache in my chest to disappear.

But Owen took a plane to my old apartment in New Jersey to clean out all of the alcohol in my apartment.

Owen was the one to get me to snap back into reality.

2 years ago

The rain poured down on my window. "I'm tired." I slur to myself.

I tried to pick myself up off of my kitchen floor, but it felt like the world was about to slip from underneath my feet.

So I just sat there on the floor with my back leaning on the oven.

The room was spinning. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, tears streaming down my cheeks.

My chest was aching; it was always aching. I've tried everything to make it stop.

It feels like someone was taking a knife and carving out my chest. It was never-ending pain. The guilt claws at me constantly. It's the only thing I seem to feel nowadays.




But, in the end, I deserved this shit. Every bit of it. The pain, the guilt, everything.

Hearing loud thuds, like if someone was banging on my door. I groaned and try to ignore it.

I don't move when I hear my front door open and loud footsteps hitting the floor.

I wouldn't be able to move if I wanted to. I can barely even keep my eyes open.


Someone take my face in their hands. I tried to focus my eyes on them, but everything was blurry.

I felt small taps on my cheek as they called my name again.

I let out a groan when I feel that I was being lifted into someone's arms, and then everything went dark.

My head was pounding when I finally woke up. I couldn't remember how I got to my bed or when I finally stopped drinking last night.

And it would be the same way tomorrow. Like it was every day. I don't understand how I even made it to my classes.

Stumbling out of my room and into the kitchen, hissing due to the light from my living room window.

When my eyes adjusted to the light, I noticed Owen standing in my kitchen, holding a glass bottle.

He didn't notice me as he poured the tequila down the drain. "What the fuck are you doing?" I raised my voice, causing my head to hurt even more.

I looked at all of the empty bottles that sat on the counter next to him. He lifted his head to look at me.

"I'm helping my best friend." I scoffed at his words and moved around the counter to see if he had gotten everything.

And he did.

There was nothing.

"I'll just buy more." I snapped at him. Owen just glared at me and placed the now-empty bottle onto the counter, next to the rest of them.

"And I'll be here to dump them out." Anger filled my veins as I stare at him. I didn't fucking want him here.

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