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Entering August's room

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Entering August's room. It was a lot bigger than mine.And I mean a lot bigger than mine. A large bookshelf lined the left wall.

The bookshelf had one of those cool rolling ladders.
He had hanging lights on his ceiling. My eyes widened seeing a swinging chair. "No fucking way." I walk further into his room.

His electric guitar was on its stand next to a normal guitar. The bed was placed in the right corner. I liked the way his bed was. The mattress was on a wooden platform.

His desk was in front of his window, and some paper and books were placed on the wooden desk. Sitting on the swing chair that was hanging from the ceiling.

"So pretty boy, what are we going to read today?" I asked him. Watching as he pushed his circle glasses up his straight noes.

Observing August as he walks up to the bookcase in search of a book for us to read. As he looks for a certain book, his veiny hands run along the spines of the books.

"W-what about this one?" He turns around to face me. In his hands, he held a blue and white colored book with a dandelion on the front.

I huffed out a breath. Stupid fucking project. Standing from the swing walking to him, taking the book from his hand. Archer's voice. Is the title of the book.

"Why this book?" I turned the book around, reading the back of it. It doesn't seem that bad. "It's my favorite." His voice was hoarse.

Maybe you should read it

It can't be that bad right?

"Only for you pretty boy." A bright smile took over his plump rosy lips. He sat on the brown leather recliner that was placed in front of the bookcase.


Looking out the window seeing that it was already dark outside. The dark sky filled with stars. I used to look for hope in the stars.

I used to think that if the dark night sky could have light in it why couldn't I?

I was so hurt and broken why couldn't I have a star that lit up my darkness?

Flash back
16 years old

Clenching my side. It was so hard to get a full breath into my lungs. I lay on the cold concrete. My body was shivering.

"See what you made me do!" My mother yelled. Turning my head, squinting my eyes to get a good look at her. Her black hair was pulled back into a neat bun.

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