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I haven't seen my grandparents since I was 16

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I haven't seen my grandparents since I was 16. I'm worried that I changed too much. And if I have, it probably wasn't for the better.

My nerves are all over the place, and my mind is thinking of all of the horrible possibilities.

Things can change within two and a half years. "Stop overthinking." I hear from beside me.

I took my eyes off the road for a second to look over at August. "I'm not overthinking." I scoff, looking back at the road.

Seeing all of the trees pass by as I drive down the empty street only being able to see the road because of the headlights.

"You are overthinking." I ignore his true statement and continue driving.

We have been driving for about 8 hours. We stopped a couple of times.

The drive from Blackwell to my grandparents' house is normally 10 hours, but if I'm being honest, I was speeding.

A lot.

I look over to find August sleeping. He is always sleeping, I swear.

His head was resting on the car door. The light snores fell past his parted lips. His light brown hair fell into his face. My nerves calm just at the sight of him.

30 minutes later, I pull into the driveway of the small old house that I used to call home. Well, it is still home.

The closest a place could get to feeling like home It was the only place I felt truly safe, except when I was with August.

He's my safe place.

Almost immediately as I pull into the driveway, I see the front door open. I watch as my grandma quickly rushes down the porch step. "August we're here, get up." I say, tapping him on the shoulder lightly.

Opening the car door and stepping out. Before I can even look up, I'm being pulled into someone's arms. Already knowing who it was because of the flower smell and small frame,

"Oh my, you look so beautiful." I hear my grandma say quietly.

I almost felt like crying. "She's not just your Gwen; now hand her over." I heard a raspy voice say.

I laughed and pulled away to look at my grandpa. A bright smile made its way onto his face. The corners of his eyes creased due to how hard he was smiling.

Pulling me into his embrace. "I thought you forgot about us, Lo." Hearing the familiar nickname makes me smile so hard that my cheeks start to hurt.

"I could never forget about you guys." I say as he pulls back to look at me.

"When I look old, wrinkled, and almost turning to ash, you'll forget me." He shook me slightly by the shoulders.

"Well, I guess I don't remember you then." I said with a mischievous grin. I could hear my grandma laughing from behind me.

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