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After that night I woke up in the middle of the night. Actually, Shadow did. I looked at him, confused.

"Get up, there might be a breach in our security systems. Sorry, darling, you'll have to get dressed." He smirked at me, putting on his belt and tunic.

I grunted, and picked up my day clothes strewn on the floor. I was too tired to process anything at the moment.

Putting them on, I walked down, stumbling down the stairs. Shadow smiled kindly and picked me up, letting my head roll on his shoulder like a child.

Once we got down I saw Vio, and a dead cyclops.

"This one tried to break the mirror, luckily I stopped him in time." Vio explained. Shadow handed the tired me to him.

"Let's ask the mirror how this happened." he said, touching the mirror and seeing a mirage of the other Links.

"WHAT!? How is Green alive? I thought you killed him??" Shadow growled and slapped the mirror. Vio starts stuttering. "I-I don't know, I'm pretty sure I killed him—" he stopped when the mirror showed an image of Vio ready to smash the mirror. Shadow turned to look at us.

"YOU." he hissed at me. I gasped and hid behind Vio. "You were just distracting me so this... traitor could smash the mirror, killing ME! EXECUTE THESE TRAITORS!!" he jabbed a finger at us, screaming.

"Shadow! I would neve—" I was slammed to the floor by the cyclopes.

"BETRAYAL! I GAVE YOU MY TRUST!" We were hoisted up to stakes, and were tied up. Shadow stalked over to me, his red eyes glowing like rubies.

"I actually gave you me." He whispered menacingly. A sword was taken out of the air, forming out of pure hate. "I'll make you pay for decieving me." He whipped his head towards Vio.

"I'll make you both pay!" The sword came back and forth and then went forward, stabbing me. I let out a scream of pain. Blood leaked out as Shadow took the sword out.

"Burn them." he commanded, as Vio and Red's swords were hoisted above us.

"[Y/N]... I'm so sorry. Vio whispered to me. My head looked down as I smelt smoke, the flames lapped up the sticks like hungry lizards waiting to devour Vio and I. The blood dripped into the lava.

A loud crash was heard and I looked up seeing the person I loved and hated at this moment.



Drinking game! Take a shot every time someone smirks in this.

update as of 11/2023: removed the implications of a sexual encounter. see the last chapter for why.

art by sumire4141.

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