The Mirror

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Morning arrived. I woke up to my bed empty.

Link left me again, huh.

He always remembers to leave notes, at least. I took the latest one and read through it.

It said,

"The storm cleared out in the morning. I'll be heading back now. Next time you want me to come over, just say the word!
               - Link."

I sigh and put the note in my drawer filled with letters from my friends. I rolled on my back, the sunlight getting in my face. I squeezed my eyes shut.

I saw a silhouette for a moment. I jolted up.

Nothing there, again. Dammit!

I looked at where my mirror used to be. I broke it when Zelda was trying to teach me how to use a bow. It went badly...

"Alright, [Y/N], now you just look past the arrow to see where you want to shoot." The princess said while holding my arm and waist.

"Okay!" I grunted, pointing at the target painted on my house. (It looked a bit sloppy. Link sucks at this shit.) Zelda stood behind me as I let the arrow go. It crashed into my window and then immediately into my wall mirror.

"Oh, fuck!" I cried.

"Oh dear!" Zelda gasped. "Don't worry, [Y/N], we could get you a new one."

I started to laugh. "Hey, thanks. That mirror was pretty old anyway. It could have used some replacement."

"Ah, but the window...." Zelda stood firm. "I'll pay for the costs."

"Thanks, Zeldy."

Looking back, it still made me laugh. I stood up, and decided to go out and buy that mirror.

I put on a white shirt, a red dress, and some tan loafers. I ran out, ready to go shopping.

The winds whispered something into my ear, and the next thing I knew I was whipped up in high winds. I covered my face.

Then it just... stopped?

I looked up and removed leaves from a path I never walked before. I looked into clear-seeing runes of what must have been a temple, or castle. A stone with old Hylian stood in front of it. I can't really read old Hylian that well, but I had to try.

"Ανέμους", Wind.

"Νάος", Temple.

So "Wind Temple"!

"Σε περίπτωση πον το οκτάδα ουναντα το φως."

I couldn't catch much of what that said, other than "the octave lights up". Might be wrong, though.

"Προσοχή το δαίμονα άρχοντας."

"Demon lord".... have I heard that from somewhere? Nevermind that.

I walked on, wanting to explore more. I heard a loud CRUNCH, leading me to look down. It was a piece of glass! They all seemed to lead to somewhere...

I looked ahead and saw a mirror. Dusty, but it looked kind of new. I ran my finger down the circular frame. It delt smooth! I'd have to replace the glass, though. It was all shattered. I smiled and picked it off its hook.

"This thing is mine now!" I crow, and start heading home. I walked out of the bushes where I had entered. Just then, I saw home wasn't too far away.

How did that happened? I looked back and saw the bushes had disappeared.

Along with the ruins.

I checked out the mirror for a bit. Seems it was all in old Hylian, too. It said;

"Προσοχή το οκτάδα πιν κατοικεί οε αντόν τον καθρέφτη. Ιτιά ένα κακό πνεύμα θα ξυπνήσει ένα άλλο, και το οκτάδα θα αυξηθεί και πάλι."

Jesus, that was a pain to write. I'm not sure where google translate's pulling out the octaves. Can't believe this story predicted Octavo.

art by sumire4141.

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