1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Links!

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Black tendrils of smoke wove around me as I finally landed on the other side of the mirror.

I looked up to see that I was being carried by a purple-haired boy.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!" I hissed and tried to push him away.

"Never. You're important to Link, as is Zelda."

"What!?" I turned and saw Zelda unconcious on the floor. "No– Zelda!!" I gasped and tried to reach out to her. 

"Don't bother. You'll be stored somewhere... different." The evil Link smirked and turned around walking down spiral stairs.

Once we reached a certain floor, he turned a corner and pushed a red curtain away. Behind it was a doorway. Inside it was a bedroom that looked exactly like all mine exact black.

"All yours. And for the record, my name's Shadow Link." he said, and walked out the door smiling. I ran to the door before he could shut it, but I was too late.

"NO! LET ME OUT!!" I screamed, pounding on the door. I fell to the floor and started crying.

"Link, I'm so sorry..."

Over the past couple of days, Shadow treated me okay. Giving me food, and time to process the sitaution. That's about it.

'Til today...

Shadow proved quite angered.

I was just staring at the wall, sighing dramatically. The door swung open. There he was... His fangs were bared and his claws were out.

"Get out." I growled as he stomped over to me.

"No. You're coming with me. Those wretched fools need to see what's coming to them." Shadow grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. I felt a flush rise to my face. We were almost nose to nose.

"No." I yanked my arm away from his grip.

"Yes." Shadow said stubbornly and walked faster to me. I gasped and hit a stone wall. He smirked.

"Looks like she's got nowhere to go." He laughed and grabbed me picking me up while I screamed. Black smoke encircled us and we teleported.

I opened my dizzy eyes again to be in Shadow Link's arms. We were above a cliff. His eyes bored into mine. The heat was unberable here... I growled and struggled in his arms.

"It's Shadow Link!" I heard a familiar voice, but angrier. I whipped my head to head to see not one, but FOUR Links! One was blue, the other was red, another purple, and lastly, green.

"[Y/N]!" They shouted in unison, sounding like the Link I knew.


Art by entiquaa

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