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Isabella's POV

Being in bed for two days in a row makes me feel sick. This morning, I woke up with nausea but I still haven't gotten out of bed.

I expected to see Grandma yesterday again but she never came. I couldn't read or do anything. I cried myself to sleep and woke up with tears in my eyes.

I miss her so much.

I wonder if she has gone back to America or not. I wonder if calling her is a good idea.

I want to hear her voice. I want to apologize for what I did. I want to seek her forgiveness but I know the only way to do that is by going back to America.

Am I ready? Am I ready to face the whole world and not just Jayden?

I don't know what people are saying about the missing billionaire's wife but won't it cause a roll when I finally appear with a big stomach?

I wish I could go back to America but I feel now isn't the right time. I can't handle the emotional trouble that comes with going back and seeing Jayden or anyone that reminds me of him.

I don't even know if Grandma will take me back or let me stay in her house till I decide to come back and have my baby here.

Will she even allow me to come back if she allows me into her house?

I am seriously tired of running from one place to another. First, it was Verona, then Tuscany, then Guadalupe before I finally settled here in Paris.

I know no one would ever think of me being in Paris.

Hissing at myself for feeling lazy and heavy, I step down from the high bed, my stomach rumbling.

Suddenly, the cravings for coffee hit me. This is my latest craving. Few months back, it was mashed potato and then grilled chicken. Then during my third month, I always craved milk at night and jollof rice in the morning. Last month, I badly craved eggs and bacon. I used to cook that every single day. And now it is coffee.

I don't feel like taking any other thing but coffee.

I don't have coffee but there is a small coffee shop across the road. I can even see the shop from my window.

Lowering myself back on the bed, I grab a jacket to head out. I should probably take the coffee downstairs to regain my strength before coming back up.

I step out of the door with a jacket over my sleepwear. I don't want to go through the stress of finding other clothes to wear. Everything makes me feel tired these days, including dressing up.

I'm frustrated actually. Frustrated because I am lonely and there is no one to share all these thoughts and emotions with.

When I want to lock the door, I see a small note attached to the door just like two days ago but this time there is no bouquet.

I pick it up out of curiosity and it reads. "The universe needs you and appreciates your beauty. The universe wants you so badly that it hurts not to see you every second of the day."

I raise a brow and gaze up. Looking down the hallway, there is no one in view.

Is this still some sort of mistake or my neighbour is right after all?

I squeeze the paper in between my right hand and take the staircase down to dump it in the refuse bill outside.

The person making this mistake should better come back to his senses as soon as he can because I can no longer take this shit.

A YEAR WITH THE BILLIONAIREWhere stories live. Discover now