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Isabella's POV

It was Adrianna Vineyard.

That is the name of the wine Jayden served when Gabriel and his wife came for dinner three nights ago.

With crossed legs and a book in my right hand, my back resting comfortably on the sofa, I take a sip of the wine, moaning in delight before dropping it back on the coffee table.

I love this wind. The taste is unique. Probably because I haven't had a taste of many wines. Maybe if I take more varieties, I will find others who are good too.

But for now, I love this wine and I will always have it beside me whenever I am reading.

Reading does something magical to me. It makes me create a world of my own. A world filled with nothing but love, laughter, joy, and everlasting happiness. This is in contrast to the reality we are living in.

The reality of challenges and tribulations. Filled with mixtures of laughter and sorrow, joy and sadness, love and hatred, laughter and tears.

If there is one thing I wish for right now, it is LOVE. 

True love. Because I believe true love brings fulfillment and happiness. It gives you a sense of tranquility and it brings smiles to your face.

Apart from the fact that reading keeps me busy and away from boredom, this is why I love reading.

Feeling like a classic businesswoman, I lean forward to take the glass cup to sip on again when I hear the knock on the door.

I almost spill the content of the wine on my sleepwear because of how I was in a rush to drop the glass cup back on the coffee table and drop my crossed legs in a hurry.

"Come in", I say loudly when I am composed enough to let the person in.

The door opens and Jayden comes in with his coat around his shoulder leaving him in just his white long sleeves and his briefcase in his hand.

I didn't expect him to knock. But I guess it was done out of courtesy. He must think I am in the bathroom or probably dressing up. To avoid having me run around the room or dashing back to the bathroom, the knocking was the right thing to do, even though I didn't expect him to be back from work this early.

"Welcome", I say with a smile, picking up the novel again to continue reading. I won't take any more wine. If I had known he was the one, I would have gotten rid of it so he won't see it. 

But now that he is here already, he will.

In fact, his eyes are fixed on the bottle of red wine.

"How are you?" He asks, surprising me. Though we have been nice to each other, we haven't gotten to the phase of caring about how each other's day went.

Well, I care but he doesn't so I see no reason why I should always be the one asking him how his day went.

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