Chapter 13

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"Hey." The deep voice alerted me of dean standing behind me, He was leaning on the door frame of his room his eyes dark as he stared at me through the mirror I was sitting in front of.

"Are you Ready?" His eyes flickered to mine in the Mirror with concern clear in his eyes. Who knows. I sighed and turned my chair around to face my handsome mate.

"No, but lets go." I responded to his question and watched as his lips twitched in amusement. He stepped away from the door and walked behind me his scent washing over my senses as he did and I found my body relaxing.

"They'll love you, please don't worry love." he leaned down whispering into my ear and I felt a blush crawl along my cheeks as his breath fanned against it.

"I can't help it." Not with the nightmare I had the night before... I let out a small sigh as he began to wheel me out of the room. "no matter what happens love, I'll be right beside you." I nodded and allowed him to take me out of the room.

Moment of truth. I thought bitterly as he walked us closer and closer to the large stage that was set up just the night before. A large crowd stood at its base chatting excitedly amongst themselves as they waited for their alpha to show up.

As if on cue the moment he stepped onto the stage every pair of eyes snapped to us and I swallowed nervously. oh shit. Don't puke, don't puke, please, please, please. I chanted silently in my head as he wheeled us across the stage and took a spot behind the microphone addressing his pack.

"By now most of you have probably heard that I have found my amazing mate, allow me to introduce her to you. This lovely young woman beside me is my mate and your future Luna!" He stated through the mic while I fidgeted with my hands.

Most of the crowd seemed accepting cheers and claps ringing out a huge relief to my ears until...

"A Luna who can't walk!? She isn't fit to lead our pack. The other packs will think us as weak and pushovers!" A voice called from the crowd and as they parted to show the older man who had spoken up silence had washed over everyone.

Dean snarled into the mic "you will not talk to your Luna that way. She may not be able to walk or shift but she has lived this way her entire life where I know for a fact you couldn't do half of what she does for a day Michael." Dean started with a growing grin and the man who I now knew was named Michael snarled with rage.

"It doesn't change the fact that she is weak and makes us look weak!" Deans hand smashed down into the podium and he stalked to the end of the stage swiftly jumping down before coming face to face with the disrespectful wolf.

"She may be physically weak but I am physically strong enough for the both of us while she has more mental strength and wisdom then even I have. She was one of the biggest reasons that the rogue raid was successful. I don't need a strong Luna I need a wise and gentle one and she fits that role with a perfection I haven't seen in any other female." Dean took a couple steps closer to growl something in the mans ear I couldn't hear.

Michael pales and glanced up at me with anger and fear In his eyes. "My apologies Luna." He bowed his head and turned to stalk away from the stage and Dean turned to face the rest of his pack.

"That will be all." He growled and they scattered and Dean glances up at me with a apologetic look in his eyes.

Well.... That could of been worse?? Maybe??? I sighed and looked down at my hands. On the bright side it seems like most of the pack was okay with this... And then with a start I remembered what Dean had said about me and a blush filled my cheeks with color. Does he really think that?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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