Chapter Two

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A/N: I know I said i would update every Tuesday but I kind of got ahead of myself and I've already got five chapters completed! So I'm not going to make you guys wait for them. So here you go!
I sat patiently in the car as it idled in front of the pack house. My dad rushing to the trunk to pull out my wheelchair and then came to my side opening my door while Jacob moved to stand behind him.

"John, I'm sorry but I need you here now!" The alphas voice carried from the pack house and my dad looked conflicted, to take care of his daughters needs or to follow his alphas orders. Kyle coughed and grinned at my dad "don't worry we'll take care of mary." my dad glanced at me and I nodded he kissed my forehead "thanks kids" before running to the pack house.

Kyle came to my side and took hold of the wheelchair opening it up while Jacob quickly scooped me carefully into his arms and set me down in it. I fixed my legs myself, taking hold of the underside of my knee to lift them into the right positions. when I was done Kyle began to push me to the pack house, Jacob flanking me on the right.

Once I was saftly inside they both relaxed and I couldn't help but smile, did they think I'd get hurt five feet in front of the pack house? Oh no the big bad bee! I giggled to myself as I took over rolling down the hallway toward the kitchen, I tilted my head up sniffing for the Luna's scent and smiled when I realized she was already there.

As soon as I rolled into the kitchen her head turned to me and she grinned. The Luna was beautiful, she had very long perfect black hair and emerald green eyes, she looked like she was a woman right off of a painting, like a goddess and she was as kind as one too.

"Mary! Oh sweetheart I haven't seen you in much to long, your really starting to bloom love!" She exclaimed as she drew closer, leaning down to give me a hug and she pulled back nodding to herself "when you find your mate he won't be able to keep his hands off you, you've become so beautiful, just like your mother." she encouraged and I felt my cheeks heat up at the comment.

"Thank you Luna, but your much prettier than I am." this time she blushed and made a scoffing noise dismissing the comment to hide her embarrassment and turned to the counter making me laugh. she handed me a bowl with some ingredients in it and then the blender "lets get to work!" She smiled and worked on the frosting as I used the blender on the dough.

I really liked the luna, she was the only one who although accommodated my disability didn't judge or hold out on me because of it. she still made me do things she did with the other pack females and her friends and I loved her for it. I was constantly babied at home but she looked past the part that my legs didn't work and treated me like any other member of her pack.

It's most of the reason I loved to spend time here, if I wasn't at home I was here with the Luna and other pack females helping around with daily activities.

about half an hour later with the cookies in the oven we were chatting about random movies when a question dawned on me.

"Luna?" I asked pulling her from her thoughts on "Red Dawn" "hmm?" She hummed in question focusing on me as I looked down at my lap playing with my hands. "do you think... that when I find him or he finds me, that he will accept me... you know...with my problem?" I asked her peeking up from my hair to see sadness in her eyes that was quickly replaced with determination.

"He will, I know it and if he doesn't then your brother, father, my mate and I will all torture him to death in revenge for you." she said with a threatening grin at my imaginary mate and I laughed.

"Anything for you love"
"Like id let my little girl have a mate"
Came four voices behind us and I turned to see my brothers, father and the alpha walk In. We smiled at them and the Luna walked to her mate kissing him softly before glancing at the clock behind me. "we've only got about 10 more minutes and the cookies will be done. how did the meeting go ?" She asked and the alpha smiled while my brothers drooled at the sound of fresh baked cookies.

I rolled my eyes at them and focused to the alpha "it'll be fine, I've decided to ask the neighboring pack to assist us in this. They still owe us wether it's a new alpha or not and they agreed to send the new alpha and some fighters over here" neighboring pack? I thought about it for a minute and realized that the only pack with a son old enough to take over the pack would be the Canvas pack rumored to be the strongest pack in the world.

The alpha continued to speak and I put some puzzle pieces together, it was a rouge problem most likely since he kept mentioning high numbers but it was rare for them to form packs. though I suppose that if they wanted to rejoin a pack their best bet would be taking out a weak pack with a good sized territory and start it there, so it fits they would attack here, they probably don't know that the Canvas pack is our allies and plans to make friends once they had destroyed us.

Taking our territory and making friends with canvas would make them invincible to attack until they were strong enough In strength and numbers to stand on their own. smart rogues.

I grimaced and the bell for the cookies ding, with a grin I turned my wheel chair to the oven slipping on some mitts before pulling them out and reaching up to place the tray on the counter. My brother reached for the spatula but I slapped his hand away Kyle winced running his other hand against the red mark.

"You can't eat them yet wait for them to cool a bit first you dingus." I snapped at him and heard everyone's echoing laughter, Kyle smiled and kissed my forehead "love you sis" I rolled my eyes but smiled too wrapping my arms around his waist in an awkward hug before replying "love you too."

After a couple minutes I finally let them serve the cookies into a couple paper plates and dig in the Luna grining from ear to ear as she watched me. "you would make a fantastic Luna Mary, it's such a shame you aren't my sons mate." she pouted slightly and I smiled at the mention of Tyler, he was one of my best friends.

"How is Tyler doing anyway?" I asked and she grinned "traveling the world in search for his mate." she sighed dreamily and I laughed knowing it was something he would do.

My father appeared by my side and took hold of the handles behind my chair. "I think we are going to head home, we need to be well rested if we are going to have the Canvas alpha and warriors here tomorrow." he said apologetically but the alpha couple only nodded, the Luna came over to give me another hug promising we'd hang out more tomorrow and I was wheeled swiftly to the car by my father.

"Jacob sit in the back with me?" I asked him suddenly feeling completely exhausted and he nodded slipping into the back with me and I tugged his shirt so he moved closer. when he did I laid my head down on his lap moving my body to get comfortable, well as much as I could without moving my legs. my brothers hand began to run through my hair and it didn't take me very long to fall asleep.

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