Chapter Five

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I was smiling ear to ear by the time the guys emerged from the meeting. not only had they given up on Payphone but I'd been able to figure out their words before the last letter was put in place which means I am the winner! "Haha you just can't beat me at this game!" I cheered laughing ecstatically.

My mood quickly faded when I heard a loud crash followed by snarling. Kyle jumped into action lifting me up into his arms and dashing outside. I wrapped my arms around his neck and turned to see what was going on. in front of the house where we stood was two giant wolves brawling it out, one I easily recognized as my fathers dark gray wolf while the huge black wolf I didn't know although It wasn't hard to guess it was dean.

The wolfs position changed and the black wolf pinned my father allowing me to see the deep scar under its eyes confirming it was in fact dean. his wolf was enormous possibly the largest wolf I had ever seen in my life, dean was about to attack and from that position it would be deadly so I screamed.

"Dean! Stop!" My voice breached the air and had an effect like a stop sign on a four lane road, they paused. deans eyes flashed to me in my brothers arms the distraction let my father shove my huge mate off of him and he jogged over to me. his wet nose pushing into my cheek with a sad whimper.

"Why were you fighting?" I whispered softly to my dad and he pulled away his nose shuffling his feet before running to the tree line to shift back.

Dean stayed in his wolf form his eyes glued to me as my father jogged back into view running over to us. "let me take her." my father growled out and Kyle immediately shifted me to him, pulling me close to his chest. "go get her wheelchair now." he snapped and my mate whined turning his head confused and I looked down at my hands, I forgot he doesn't know.

Kyle returned with my wheel chair and I felt five pairs of eyes burning into my face and knew it was the canvas pack as I was set into my chair. my dad went to move my legs but I shooed his hands away with mine and did it myself trying to gain some dignity.

I looked up to see my mate race into the trees before he came back staring at me with a confused look on his face.

"My daughter is paralyzed from the waist down. She has been from birth now stop your staring." my father snarled and the Warriors looked down but my mate remain staring at me many emotions ran through his eyes and I couldn't pin point a single one.

"A-are you going to reject me?" I asked softly but every wolf heard it and turned to Dean for the anwser, his face contorted to horror and swiftly came to my side crouching down to be face to face his head shaking back and forth so fast I was afraid he would get whip lash.

"No no. of course I won't reject you, especially not over something that you can't be at fault for. Your my mate for a reason, and I couldn't of asked for a better one Disability or not." he said with a soft smile his palm cupping my cheek again and I leaned into his hand before remembering my previous question.

"Why were you fighting?" My mate tensed and dropped his gaze. "we were fighting over you coming to my pack with me, this just makes me want you with me even more, my wolf..." he drifted off but he didn't need to continue for me to know that his wolf was demanding that I be protected. I glanced over to my father who was staring at the ground.

"Dad, I'm going to go with him. he's my mate and you can't keep him from me." My tone was soft but official. I wanted him to know that there was no point in arguing with me about it. I had made my decision and wether he liked it or not I was going to go.

I loved my brothers, and my father they protected me and kept me safe but it was unnatural to stay away from your mate. Werewolves can go insane without them it's just not something you want to do if you can help it. I have seen pack warriors die in battle and then their mates die shortly after from the pain of their loss.

We had to of known this day was going to come, we just didn't think so soon. My father continued to stare at the ground his shoulders shaking as he tried to control his wolf.

"I know." he said softly and finally lifted his eyes to meet mine. they were filled with so much pain that it brought tears to my eyes. Dean took my hand his thumb rubbing soft circles while I watched my dad storm away again. My brothers looked upset too but not nearly as much as my father had.

"We won't be leaving until the rogue problem here is handled okay?" I asked directing my question to Dean. he seemed conflicted about his mate being anywhere but on his territory no doubt surrounded by twenty warriors. I almost laughed at the image I made before shaking my head to get focus back on Dean.

"All Right" he reluctantly agreed, before giving me a smile. Alpha Greg quickly jogged across the field to us.
"Some of my trackers found fresh rogue scents inside the border. they're getting bolder." He said out of breath. everyone in the clearing growled and my mind went to my dad, was he okay?

My worries were put down as I spotted the large gray wolf enter the clearing. He stood still watching us before moving toward the pack house, my dad gave me a Wolfy grin as he passed. Thank god he's forgiven me.

My chair moved forward and I glanced behind me to see my mate had moved behind me when I was in my thoughts. he smiled glancing down at me before continuing to roll me toward the pack house.

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