Chapter 11

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"Mary." someone whispered in my ear shaking me softly in an attempt to wake me up. grumbling I pushed the hands away earning a chuckle from the familiar voice, and the voice earned a growl.

"Luke I swear if you touch my mate again you'll lose your hand." my mates husky voice growled and I felt myself being lifted up into strong arms, the tingles running along my body told me it was Dean and I relaxed into him before letting my eyes flutter open.

"Were here?" I asked as my mates eyes flickered to mine.
"Yeah." he smiled already he seemed a lot more relaxed then he did back at my pack. I looked around in his arms trying to see what his pack was like.

I watched Luke go ahead of us the sound of the door closing brought my attention to the building he just entered.

We stood in front of a cute house, it was two stories and a pretty blue with flush flowers and ripe vegetable plants surrounding it's sides and a forest stood behind it. it was like someone had taken my dream house from my head and planted it here.

"What is this?" I muttered staring wide eyed at the home and Dean spoke sounding a bit worried. "it's m- well it's our house, do you like it? If you don't I can..." He rambled off but I couldn't pay attention this was our house?! Really!? A giant grin slowly made its way onto my face and I quickly pulled Deans face down.

He stopped rambling and stared at me his eyes darkening with lust as he did and my own body seemed to heat up at how close he was, I want to kiss him... so I did.

As soon as my lips touched his, his arms tightened around me and a low growl rumbled through his chest in approval. I can't describe the feeling of his mouth on mine there aren't any words to describe the fireworks the heat, and the feeling of my other half. I smiled and pulled away from the kiss his own smirk on his face as he stared at me a bit longer.

"So you like it then?" I shook my head "it's perfect, I absolutely love it." his grin widened and he walked me over to the door. Luke swung it open a knowing grin playing on his lips as he did.

"I'm going to head home, be good kids." he laughed making Dean growl and caused me to flush red.

"Bye Luke."

Ignoring the wheel chair that sat in his living room Dean carried me up a flight of stairs to the second floor and into what could only be his bedroom. gently he set me down on the bed and flopped down beside me with a tired yawn.

"Tired?" I asked only to get a grunt in response I laughed and felt his steel like arm wrap around my waist and pull me into his chest.

It took maybe five minutes before his arm tightened around my waist and soft snores drifted into the room signaling he fell asleep. I didn't know why but for some reason I couldn't go to sleep my mind kept drifting around to the what ifs and some other things.

My brothers popped into my head first, wondering what they were up to and hoping they weren't causing to much trouble for anyone else.

The next thing that came into my head was tomorrow, I knew that the pack would take notice of me wether Dean introduced me as his mate or not and I was scared to know their reactions. if they don't accept me It will create problems among respect of the alpha and even give way to challengers but if they do accept me everything should be okay, it was a big if though.

I shifted in the bed to face my mate, he seemed so peaceful and unconcerned he was absolutely convinced I would be accepted and I only hoped his belief was right.

I stared at Dean my eyes tracing over every flaw and perfection of his face while he slept, starting to feel like a certain creepy sparkly vampire I turned to lay on my back straining up at the ceiling, before finally closing my eyes to get some sleep.

" I would love you all to meet my mate, and your Luna Mary!" Deans strong voice called out to the crowd of werewolves in front of the stage. cheers and howls erupted from the group and my mate turned to me with a happy twinkle in his eyes.

They seemed to say, it was okay and that no one would hurt me.

After a deep calming breath I rolled out onto the stage. Placing a smile on my face to hide my nervousness. it will be okay. as soon as I rolled out to join Dean on the stage growls and yells of disapproval rang out.

"A cripple!? You can't mate her!"
"A liability!"
"Unfit for Luna!" The screams rang out along these lines and I felt my heart break with everyone of them. I sat there staring at the sea of what was supposed to be my pack telling me I was not their Luna.

Tears pooled into my eyes and I watched as every wolf in the crowd shifted with anger snarling and snapping their jaws. I turned to Dean who was staring at me with a contemplative look.

Why isn't he helping me?


"Their right, your not fit to be my mate or my luna." his eyes turned black with realization "your not fit for anything your a weakness and I don't need you!" He snarled and I felt like my world had ended with that small sentence. My heart throbbed and I couldn't breathe as the pain overwhelmed me, choking into tears he advanced stepping forward shoving me off the stage and into the crowd of wolves below.

"Die worthless mate." he snarled and the wolves advanced toward me their eyes flashing red as the first group lunged toward me, I screamed loud hoping for someone to help or for Dean to change his mind.

as the first bite registered into my mind, I woke up sitting up in the bed my eyes wide and the scream still ripping from my mouth. Dean was up in a second whirling so he was on top of me his body shielding me from the threat he thought was in the room.

His eyes were pure black as he inhaled looking around the room as I sobbed beneath him, finally realizing there was no threat his eyes soften to their honey color and flickered down to me in concern.

"Mary, love what is it?" He rolled off me and pulled me up into his lap cuddled against his chest.

"A-a nightmare." I whispered softly and he rocked me back and forth, my heartbeat was starting to slow and my sobs turned into soft sniffles. Dean continued to rock me whispering sweet nothing in my ear and kissing my head as he tried to calm me down. his scent and his voice relaxed me easily and I felt myself pull back together.

it was a dream, it didn't happen, Dean doesn't hate me. it was all a dream.

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