Chapter Ten

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The sun peering into my room from the window woke me up this morning, and I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position, today I went with Dean to his pack. you know that feeling when your about to go into a stage and talk to a bunch of people? The butterfly's? Yeah that was what was happening to me right now.

I'm going back with him to his pack! That means he'll introduce me as his Mate and their Luna and I won't know anyone but him, Luke, Nate and Ralph. What if they refuse to accept me because of my disability!?

With a sigh I got myself into my chair I could already tell this was going to be long day, I need Dean. I rolled myself out of my room and into the living room, where my family sat glaring at Dean. the minute my eyes landed on the back of my mates head my whole body relaxed and I felt two times better than before.

"Leave him alone you guys, no matter how hard you try he isn't going anywhere." I chuckled and watched as all four men in the living room turned to me and in synch uttered my name.

"Mary" I stared at them for a moment "that was well coordinated for a group of guys who want to kill each other." I laughed and that finally got everyone in the room to lighten up.

Dean approached me first pulling me out of the wheel chair and up into his arms. tingles shot through my body where he touched me and his scent overwhelmed my senses. I cuddled closer into his chest hearing him sigh in relief.

Dean leaned down into my ear"I'm glad I came over, I can't go through my day without holding you at least once." His confession made me blush but I couldn't help to secretly agree, I loved being held by him it made me feel safe and secure.

My father had already called people to help get my things packed to leave, he refused to let me do anything to help. forcing me to sit in the living room while my clothes and pictures were all packed up into three small bags. I didn't have much stuff, I didn't really like shopping most of my clothes fit into one of the bags and the other ones we're filled with sentimental items id kept over the years.

The three bags were swiftly tossed into the back of a giant black truck that belonged to Dean. Even though it would be faster just to shift and run he decided to drive for me instead even though I told him I'd be fine by myself with his driver he wouldn't listen.

My family and a couple of people who although aren't really friends I had known from school and stuff showed up as I was about to leave to say goodbye.

My brothers came first giving me a hug and wishing me goodbye.

"Bye little sis."
"We'll miss ya."
"I'll miss you to guys" I smiled ruffling Tyler's hair and giving Jacob a pat on the cheek.
then the alpha and Luna approached taking my brothers places as they stepped back.
"See you later kiddo." the alpha grinned patting my head while his mate let out a small sob and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh sweetie I'll miss you so much! Be the best Luna that I know you can be okay? They'll love you I just know it.!"

I smiled I would really miss the luna, she was my second mother and was always putting my worries to rest its like she always knew what was wrong and I hoped I could be as good as a leader as she is.

finally all that was left was my father, he was standing off to the side awkwardly glaring at the ground as if the earth itself was at fault for my leaving, and it kind of was after all mates are natures gift to werewolves.

"Dad." I whispered but I knew he could hear me as he turned slowly to face me, tears welled up in his eyes and that caused my own to build. "don't cry dad. I promise I'll keep in touch okay?" He nodded and jogged over to me pulling me out of my chair and up into his arms.

"You be good kid, and if your mate hurts you in anyway remember everyone here will help me kill him for ya." I heard collective sounds of agreement and I laughed hugging him tighter as my mate opened the passenger door for my dad to set me in and grabbed my chair pulling it to the back seat and setting it inside.

My dad set me carefully into the seat adjusting my legs for me his eyes raking over my body and I felt a tightness in my throat and New Tears that threatened to break out at the familiar routine. "all in?" I whispered a small whimper escaping and as he met my eyes I could see the same look in his that was no doubt in mine. he nodded his own voice husk with held back tears "all in."

With that he stepped forward planting a kiss on my forehead before stepping back and shutting the door.

"Take good care of my daughter." he growled out to Dean who was making his way to the drivers seat. Deans eyes flashed a deadly black and a growl rumbled in his chest. "sir if anything happens to your daughter I'd have to be dead, no one will touch her I swear my soul on it." His voice came out deep and deadly sending shivers down my spine before sliding into the car.

He turned to me his eyes flickering back to normal with a smile.

"Are you ready, little mate?" I nodded looking out the window at everyone who came to say good bye with tears in my eyes, I was leaving and who knows if I'll ever get the chance to come back. the thought made me want to jump out of the car but Dean placed his hand on mine intwining our fingers and all my worries and doubts drifted away, I glanced back at Dean to see a soft look on his face.

He started the car and I looked back one more time before getting comfortable in my seat. here goes nothing.

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