Chapter 7

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"We managed to get a couple things out of the rogue" Alpha Gregs strong voice carried through the living room. It was only the small part of the canvas pack, my family and the luna who were present. Dean sat beside me on the couch Ignoring the glare he was getting by my dad. I giggled under my breath and I watched as Deans mouth curved up a bit, his eyes remained focused on Greg though and I blushed knowing that just by giggling I could make him smile.

Dean's hand found mine intwining our fingers and his thumb ran soothing circles on the back as we listened to Alpha Gregs report. Dean was already there with Alpha Greg when they interigated the rogue so it was nothing new to him but He still listened intently to the news. My eyes drifted around the room and the luna caught my gaze. She grinned at me gesturing to her hand and mouthing "Awww" I blushed even more causing her to laugh, which caused Alpha Greg to pause and look at her.

The Luna blushed this time murmuring sorry and staring at her hands before Alpha Greg continued his report.
"The rogues are being gathered together by a rogue alpha wolf who wanted to start his own pack, needless to say if we take him down then the others fall in place, things go back to the norm. and the canvas pack can go home." Excitement welled through me at the thought of the rogue problem being solved.

Dean seemed excited too but I knew his excitement stemmed from being able to return home again. Alpha Greg coughed drawing our attention back to him

"we have a couple leads on where there base is, however we don't really know much about their numbers so, we need to hunt a couple more stragglers of their group down to get some more information before we charge in like a bunch of morons." Logically that made sense, we don't know how many their are or how well trained they are, we could be walking right into a giant mob if we charged in now, but on the other hand the longer we wait the longer he has to increase those numbers anyway.

Either way there's no way to get a really clear picture on the situation and there's no telling that any of the rogues we capture will share anything anyway and it could all just be a waste of valuable time... but then again, no, I quickly stopped my overthinking mind shaking my head to clear my thoughts. I needed to trust my Alpha, and I needed to trust my mate. They already should have thought of everything I have and made the conclusion to do this anyway. a vague picture is better then nothing at all.

I tried to focus back into the conversation but it only sparked new thoughts to surge my over excited mind, so instead I turned my attention to my mate, studying him.

His black hair looked messy, but in that sexy "I just rolled out of bed deal with it" kind of way. the scar along the left side of his face wasn't the only one upon closer inspection. little ones marked his skin in various places on his face and along his neck, but my eyes alway traveled back to the large one under his eye.

I was dying to know what happened but something that big had to be personal and I knew I had no right to ask him anytime soon.

I let my eyes shift down to his arm, I knew he had tattoos on his right arm that I couldn't see but his left arm wasn't exactly a bill of clean health. even more scars ran along his muscled arm. how many fights had my mate been in?

Dean began to speak now trying to fill in his side of the story.

I raised my hand and softly began to trace a soft finger along his scars and even just the lines of his arm. Dean shuddered under my touch making me smile as he stopped talking for a moment, only the smallest pause that to anyone else would mean that he was thinking about something, but I knew better.

I withdrew my hand from his arm and instead began to play with his long fingers, as he started up again.
"I didn't get anything different out of the rogue that Alpha Greg got, however I did find some more rogue scents near the opposite side of the border. they seemed to be a small group of scents maybe two or three so I'm thinking that they might be sending small groups to approach the border and try to scope things out, we could try to take out one of these groups capture at least one for questioning."

Murmurs came from every side of the room, but eventually they all nodded in agreement to Dean, if he was right and these groups came often enough it would be pretty efficient in getting us the answers we need. "However, the rogue alpha would start to notice that his spy groups are being picked off so if we did this we would either have to get really lucky and get a squealer or announce to the rogues that were coming to attack and lose the element of surprise. " I said out loud and I found many eyes on me, as they calculated my thoughts. my dad spoke up first

"She's right, we do this and we will have to act fast, this would mean that we'd have maybe an hour or two max before they become suspicious that's an hour or two to get someone to squeal or go in blind." he stated summing up my thoughts.

"I think it's the best course of action though, a 50 50 chance but either way it's leading us to the inevitable fight anyway." I added on again and I glanced to Alpha Greg watching as he seemed to be deep in thought before with a sigh turned to us.

"No matter what course of action that we take we're stuck between picking from a hard place and a rock so I'd say that I would agree with Deans course of action. we go through with it tomorrow morning I want everyone to get a lot of sleep we will be having a busy day tomorrow." he gave out the orders and I watched as people filed out of the room. My family lingered behind for me but I needed to say goodbye to Dean first.

"Dean." I called out to grab his attention and his gaze flickered to me. He seemed so deep in his own mind I hadn't thought that it would work.
"Yes?" He asked with a small smile.

"I'm going to go home, I just wanted to say goodnight." I smiled and his faltered a bit glancing at my family as if gauging their power before turning back to me. "goodnight love, I'll see you tomorrow before everyone moves out." with that he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead. I nodded and rolled myself over to my family, looking back to glance at Dean one more time before they wheeled me to the car only to find his eyes already boring back into mine.

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