Chapter 12

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"Alright Ms. Naomi! Everything looks good! Your 39 weeks and 3 days. Baby boy should be coming any day now. Are you excited?"

"Yes I'm super excited! I can't wait to see who he looks like." I said as she wiped the jelly off my belly.

I was outside the doctors office in my Range Rover scrolling through restaurants when Mya's picture popped up as she called me. It was time I ripped the band-aid off and told my baby sister the truth. Biting my nail on one hand I swiped right with the other connecting the call. 

"Hey big sis! What you up too?" Mya's cheerful voice boomed through my car speaker as her pretty face similar to mine cheesed.

"Hey girl. I'm just now leaving the doctors office. Ready to have this little boy."

"Awww it's a booooy!!! Naomi you don't tell me anything anymore! I'm about to go shopping for my nephew now! He's going to be so handsome! You and Kayce both fine!" Mya was one vain women she wasn't cocky by any means but the bitch was confident guaranteed. 

"Mya can I tell you something?" It was time I let my secret out. At least I knew I could trust my sister.

"Of course! What's wrong?"

"Ok.... The baby isn't Kayce's...." The words spilled from my mouth fast and then held my breath.

"Naaaa!! Oh my goshhhh what the fuck?!?!"

"Hear me out please... Things haven't been good with me and Kayce for quite a while now. Truthfully I've been in a abusive marriage Mya and I'm ready to get out, shit I'm so close to being out, I served him divorce papers already."

"Why are you just now telling me this Na? I know I'm your little sister but I would've pulled up with some niggas to whoop his ass! That's why we only see you on the holidays now." She said more as a statement and not a question.

"I tried, My. I tried." I croaked,  I could feel the tears sting the back of my eyes. 

"Ugh I wish I could hug you right now sis. So is the dad in the picture?"

"Yes he's amazing! Everything Kayce is not. That's where I've been staying. And can I tell you another secret?"

"Aww shit Naomi what's next?" She giggled.

"You've already seen his dad."

"What the fuck?!?! Where?"

"Remember the guy you described to me in Jamaica?"

"Oh shit Naomi seriously? I cannot believe you haha!"

"Yeah. That's why you couldn't come into my room he was inside."

"Girl what type of lifetime movie are you living Naomi!" She said shocked.

"I know everything is crazy right now. I actually had my business event at his club. That's where we met for the very first time. I've been holding this in since I found out I was pregnant. Mya I want a divorce from Kayce like yesterday. I'm tired of doing all of this."

"I bet you are. And you already know mama is going to have a fit when she finds all of this out. She is obsessed with Kayce."

"Mya I am grown. She cannot live my life for me. She'll have to just get over it. But alright Mya I need to get home I'm hungry and want to nap. DJ will be here any day now."

"Ok sis be careful with all of this. I love you and please stay away from Kayce until you have my nephew."

"Oh trust me I am. Love you too bye." With that I ended the call.

It was 5 o'clock when I got back to my house. I had to get things set up for our private dinner at Suede tonight. Naomi didn't know I was putting any of this together I purchased her a Diamond necklace with earrings to match. I was thinking of a ring but that maybe a little too much right now.

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