Chapter 5

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It was three o'clock by the time Naomi got into her Range Rover. She sped to Don's apartment.

Getting closer to his door she heard music playing which meant he was home. She unlocked the door with her key and slipped inside not trying to disturb him. She heard a few other voices inside as well. She sat her LV neverfull down with her iPad and MacBook inside on the dining room table. She specifically left her Gucci shades on cause of her puffy eyes. She heard everyone upstairs in the loft area so she grabbed some fruit from the fridge and went into Dons room shutting the door behind her.

She had taken a shower wrapped a towel around her and started channel surfing eating her fruit in the middle of his giant bed with white sheets for a man he had good taste. It was 6 o'clock when his music stop and footsteps were heard outside the door.

"Alright bro I might see you later tonight at the club." I dabbed up my childhood best friend Ramon and shut the door. I noticed Naomi's white Gucci shoes on the floor that wasn't there before meaning she had to just get here.

"Mama why you ain't tell me you was home?" I shouted through the house.

"Ma!" I opened my bedroom and found a naked Naomi sprawled across the bed with fruit next to her. As I stepped to the bed her phone started going off.

Her eyes popped open.
"Hey bae. You'll pass me my phone off the dresser?" I tossed it on the bed next to her.

"Hey ma what's up?" I said getting up.

Don couldn't hear what was being said but he could tell by her reaction she was getting heated. She got up off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

I couldn't help but cry after I hung up the phone on my mom. She told me Kayce's been calling her. He's so childish! Your never supposed to include other people in your relationship. I feel so stuck to this man. I hate I dragged Don into this, now we have this baby on the way. And I'm still married what the fuck. I thought to myself.

"Babe you ok?" Don was knocking at the door.
I opened the door wiping my face with tissue.

"Babe I'm so over this! My mom is telling me I need to make things right with my husband. She doesn't know half the stuff I've been dealing with. He's calling her giving her some fairytale version." Don pulled me into a warm embrace. 

"I know your angry. Your family wants you to be with this man not knowing how he treats you. He just flashes his money around to get their love. That's okay. Don't worry bout that shit that's the reason your blessed."

"My mom used to do this all the time it was nothing but a trick!! She always tried to get these older men close to me for her fucking gain!! The bitch was basically selling me!!! After four years I thought maybe Kayce fell into my lap but no! She did it that's why she's so hell bent on me staying with him! I told her I can take care of her she doesn't have to use me as a pawn anymore! I'm done with that life."

"Your not a pawn baby. Your a young 26 year old boss! You doing your own shit and hell you getting it the right way you not stripping don't sell no dope! If she never said she was proud of you dammit I sure am!!! I've never come across a woman like you! You see the shit I have and it doesn't phase you hell I was impressed as fuck when I seen you in some new designer every time we met up in the beginning. And you have a heart of gold! She's jealous of you. Sad to say but that's what it sounds like."

"Im just used to money babe. The men I've dealt with always had money. I wanted this position so I worked hard to get here. I will never depend on a man. Shit I take care of her, my brother and sister!" I buried my face in his chest.

"And I applaud you for that! Not many women your age can say the same thing."

I stayed in for the night so I could watch Naomi. I felt bad for her. Her whole family is pretty much telling her to stay with her husband. Being rich doesn't always equal happiness. But me and our baby would be that light for her. I just need to get her husband all the way out of the picture. But then I might be exposing a side Naomi may not be ready for.

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