Chapter 11

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2 weeks later
It had been some time since I had heard or seen from Naomi. I didnt know what the fuck caused her to go MIA. Specially with the shit she has going on in her marriage. But things also got pretty hectic on my end with these threats. Someone showed up to my club asking my employees a whole bunch of questions about who owns my club. What I do for a living. They weren't trying to hide that they was obviously trying to figure something out. Good thing I trained my employees well. They know to never speak about me, ever. As much as I paid them they better act like booboo the fucking fool. Before I couldn't even think about bringing Naomi back around me I needed things to cool down first. Shit was getting way too hot and I didn't have a good feeling in my stomach.

It was 2am when I pulled into D'Garage my nigga Jody was inside waiting for me. I pulled around back and entered the warehouse through my back office door. I stepped to my desk monitoring the cameras. I seen Kal once again strapped to a chair with Jody and rob walking around him. I headed to meet them.

"Wassup y'all." I said to my boys.

"Who is that?" Kal asked scared.

"Nigga who the fuck you think it is? Now as you can see I have your ass a grace period. You better have what I want. Or it's night night."

"Danger I swear I delivered! Please don't kill me!! Jo got your shit! I got pictures of that nigga! Didn't they give them to you?!?!" He was frantic.

"Ay muthafucka! I run shit slow ya damn roll!" I removed the leather bag from his head.

"First things first you got my fucking money too?"

"I—I got some of it." He said shaken with fear.

Pop! I hit him in his right cheek. "Some!!! I need all mine Kal! Imma tell you now things won't be good if I don't like what my peoples about to show me."

"You gone like it Danger I swear! And it's options in there too! You can grab his bitch if he don't wanna come out."

"Man see here you go with the extra shit the fuck you mean options?"

He winced scared I would hit him. "If you can't get him grab his girl until he surrender."

"Man Jo let me see this shit he got."

Jody handed me a manila folder with photos inside. I flipped the folder open and the first person I recognized was Naomi ass! I flipped through them it was her and some light bright nigga. One of them riding in his bmw coupe. One where they was at a restaurant eating and the last one was them walking in a parking lot with his hand on her ass.

"What the fuck." My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

I walked back to my office. I couldn't let them see me like this. I was hurt. This where the fuck she been at with this nigga. I take it that's her husband. I grabbed my phone and began blowing her up.

I was woken up by my phone constantly ringing. I looked over at the clock it was almost 3 in the morning. I looked over to my left to see Kayce wasn't in the bed and the house was completely silent. Which meant he wasn't here. He always has something playing in the background wherever he was but I heard complete silence.

I reached for my phone and seen Don had called me six times and texted twice. I called him back. It went straight to voicemail. I was about to text him until the phone rang again.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yo what the fuck ma!!!"

"Baby wassup?" I was confused and scared.

"Don't baby me! You with that nigga! So what you don't need me?"

"Don ba—"

"Stop, don't fucking baby me right now!"

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