Chapter 32

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[Somewhere around the university]

"Hey Celly~! Let's go to eat lunch together!"

"Why should we? You really shouldn't follow me around like that."

Replied Celly while glancing up at the taller girl by the name Emily.

Since their first meeting, Emily would follow Celly around almost everyday. Celly in the other hand tried to escape from that strange girl only to realize that it was pointless and in the end, she just accept it and became rather used to Emily's presence.

"Oh come on~ You'd be lonely without me~" Spoke jokingly Emily as Celly rolled her eyes. "No I wouldn't. I have friends." "Oh really? You should introduce me to them!" At that, Emily looked nervously towards the ground. Her fists sightly clenched. Since the incident with Liam and Noah, everyone began to distant themselves from her. She didn't blame them. She knew that she was wrong. But still...she couldn't help but feel down.

"You don't have friends, do you?" Questioned Emily while showing a small sad smile. "Don't worry, I'll be your friend!" Celly didn't spoke. Rather, she kept glancing towards the ground but now, a small and kind smile was plastered on her lips.

"Aww you look so damn cute~!" Exclaimed happily Emily while hugging tightly the shorter girl. "D-don't say such embarrassing words!" "But it's the truth!" "Jeez..." Unbeknownst to her, a strange but warm feeling started to slowly appear inside her heart. She had a guess, but she wasn't willing to trust her gut feeling just yet. She wanted to understand herself better first.

Emily in the other hand knew very well what she wanted. But she had to wait. She needed to be careful to not scare the cute like bunny girl in front of her very own eyes. She would be lying to herself if she said that she wasn't afraid. She was scared to death. But the adrenaline of that specific feeling inside her heart made everything seem worth it.

"Come on, let's go!" "Fine fine..."


[Inside a small cafe close to the university]

"Say ahh~"


Inside the small cafe, in a table far away from the people, were sitting two young men. Kevin had ordered a plate of chocolate cake and gave a small spoonful to Toshiro who was working on his laptop for his newest novel.

"Give me a little bit more..." Complained Toshiro as Kevin gave him a laugh. "Ha, you wish! You should had ordered one as well." "Fine. I won't give you more of my family's soju from now on." "Wait wait baby, I was just joking." Panicked Kevin as he tried to apologize to his boyfriend. "I know." Smiled Toshiro knowing very well that Kevin wasn't jocking. Even if he prevented Kevin to drink his family's soju, it wouldn't last for long. He could never say no to him anyways.

"You are an idiot." Voiced Toshiro and Kevin showed him a smirk. "Yeah but I'm your idiot." Replied Kevin while taking Toshiro's hand into his to give it a gentle kiss. Toshiro in the other hand just looked lovingly towards the man in front of him and showed a wide and bright smile.

"Seriously... You are such an idiot."

[Three years ago]

It was seven pm and Kevin couldn't care less about the birthday party of the rich and famous son of a famous actor. If it wasn't for his parents scolding him to go, he wouldn't even consider the option of going.

Since the party was planned for hours later, he decided to kill some time inside a relaxing cafe for the time being instead of sitting bored in the university's room.

"I'll take a...London Fog Latte please." "Coming right up." Kevin looked outside of the window and let out a sigh. He he was already getting bored. That, until a certain something caught his eye. On the beside table laid the book : London's Bridge. A mystery book written by the Japanese man, Toshiro Sasaki. There were little to nothing informations about the author which made the book even more captivating.

When Kevin tried to reach out to the book, a hand suddenly stopped him. He looked up to see a young man with round glasses hiding his annoyed yellow like eyes. "What do you think you are doing?" Questioned the man and Kevin showed a sheepish smile. "Ah, so the book it's yours. I just wanted to take a look since it's my favorite. I promise that I didn't touch it." At that, the man's eyes widened.

"I see..." With that, the man sat on his own table and opened his laptop. His next words causing Kevin to almost fall down from his chair. "Thank you. It makes me happy to see people reading and appreciating my work."

A long and awkward silence...

"YOU WHAT?!" Yelled Kevin causing everyone in the cafe to glare at him. "You are the author?!" "I guess that was a big shook huh?" Smiled awkwardly the man by the name Toshiro Sasaki as Kevin was at a lost of words. "I...well...Um..." "It's okay. Take your time." Kevin felt embarrassed. It wasn't everyday that he could meet his favorite author of his favorite book.

After a long and hard thinking, he finally opened his mouth to speak. "I always admired you and your work. Your writing is the most certainly beautiful I've ever seen and the feels it gives me everytime never vanish. You are truly amazing!" Toshiro closed his laptop and gave a small and gentle smile towards Kevin. He opened the book and wrote his signature. "Here. You can have it." Kevin was ready to faint. "A-are you sure?!" "Of course. It's all yours." "My goodness gracious! Thank you so much!" Exclaimed happily Kevin and Toshiro let out a gentle laugh.

"Could I ask you some questions?" Questioned Kevin and Toshiro nodded his head. "Go ahead." "The book was published five years ago and you don't look much older than me. Did you wrote that book in highschool?" Toshiro let out a much louder laugh and sat more comfortable into his chair. It seemed like the man he met was a very interesting person after all. "Nope. I wrote it in my first year of studying in college." "Wait, so how old are you?!" "I am twenty one." "What?! I thought you were younger!" "Well looks can be deceiving."

Their time passed by quickly. Toshiro not opening his computer even once and Kevin forgetting completely the birthday party. Their conversations continued for hours without getting the least of bit bored. It was a meeting by one in a million chance. Their personalities clicked and their common hobbies brought them closer. It was a time's matter until they began meeting more often. And two years after...

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Questioned Kevin while holding gently Toshiro's hand. "Do you even need to ask?" Laughed Toshiro and Kevin showed a big and heartwarming smile.

"I love you!"

"I love you too."

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