Chapter 28

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"Wait, Jason!"

"Leave me alone!"

While Liam and Noah were absent, Jason was desperately trying to run away from a specific purple head.

"Why are you even following me so damn much?! Can't you understand that I have other things to do?!" Yelled angrily Jason as Alex only showed a charming smile. "Come on~ Don't do as if you hate me~" "I DO hate you!" "You are a horrible liar, you know that?" Laughed Alex now running beside Jason. "You-!"

Without Jason being able to finish his sentence, Alex grabbed Jason's arm and pulled him closer to his body. His lips kissing passionately Jason's as he in return only pushed Alex away. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Jason panicked as his face was bright red. Eyes glaring daggers towards a smirking Alex. "What? Are you embarrassed?" Teased Alex as Jason only covered his face.

"You are always like this! Always doing whatever you want without caring about my feelings!" At that, Alex's face become serious as he finally took a step back. "How many times do we have to discuss this so you could understand that I really do love you?" Questioned Alex with a pained voice as Jason's eyes widened in anger. "What about me?! Why don't you understand that I don't like you! I-I only like girls, so just stop doing whatever the fuck you want!" After those final words, Jason walked away, leaving behind a heartbroken Alex.

"You are always like this Jason... You are always running away from your feelings..."


[One year ago]

It was a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was casually walking around the university when suddenly my whole mind became blank just from a simple look on a specific someone. It was a freshman in the university. His gorgeous long and beautiful black locks matching his yellowish eyes as if they held the sun. The moment our eyes met, I felt my whole world shatter before me. My heart was beating abnormally fast and a strange feeling filled my body. From that moment onward, I knew that I had met the love of my life.

"Hey there, you are a first year right? What's your name?" I questioned him appearing as cool as I could once I had gathered all my courage. I was nervous. I never felt like this for any other man I had ever liked. "Ehh... My name is Jason Smith..." I was so happy that he answered that I didn't took notice of my body moving on it's own. I had bended on my one knee and hand touching the place where the heart is supposed to be. The words coming unwillingly out of my mouth.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

The strange glances from the people around us, the nervous beating of my heart, the realization of my stupidity and the disgusted look on his face. I had messed up big time. But I didn't let that bring my hopes down. I stared straight towards his eyes, determination clear written on my face as I was waiting for a response.

"I don't fucking know you..." An imaginary sound of broken glass echoed in my ears but I still held a smile. "Then how about a date? I'll treat you well." "No way dude! How can you ask someone out when you don't even know them?" "The moment I looked at you I knew that you were the one." "Are you deaf?? I said no!" The cheesy words didn't work.

"Hey, could you leave us alone? We are being stared to death here because of you." Spoke suddenly Jason's friend as they began to walk away while I was left alone staring at their distant form.


"That bastard Alex! How dare he do that again!" Yelled furiously Jason as he was slowly making his way towards his band mates. He took a deep breath in order to calm himself down as he could feel how warm his face was. "He always doesn't care how I feel... He's the worst..."

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