Chapter 12

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Today is Christmas Eve. Those days people usually stay home to celebrate with their families and friends. Days full of love and happiness.

But for me is different.

Even tho I celebrate Christmas with my mother and aunt, an important family member is missing. What's to be happy about that? Oliver left me alone yesterday once again... I just can't understand what have I ever done wrong.

Would he return If I wasn't here?

Suddenly, my phone rang bringing me out of my depressing thoughts. "Hello?" I answered without seeing the name or number on my screen. "...Hey Liam. How've you been?" I heard a very familiar voice and my eyes widened in shock. "Noah?" "Yup, that's me. Do you have time to talk? If you're busy that's totally fine." I shook negatively my head even tho he couldn't see me. A small smile, unconsciously of me, appearing on my lips.

"It's fine. I've got time so, what's up?" "Me, Jason and a couple of other friends are going to meet up today for Christmas Eve. We are going to have dinner and later some drinks. And... I thought about asking you as well... So...would to come and hang out with us?" He asked with a few pauses here and there giving me the impression of a nervous Noah. He seems like the type of person who gets nervous when he wants to ask something. That's kinda cute- Wait, why did I thought of something like that?

I shook my head once again and focused on our call. "Sure. Just tell me where and when." I answered as Noah told me the place and time where we would meet. Once I hung up, I walked outside of my room to see my mother. "Ah, Liam. You finally came out of your room. How's your wound? Does it still hurt?" She asked taking a hold of my face to examine it. "It's fine. It's doesn't hurt much." That was a lie. My brother, even tho he didn't seem like it, he had a quite strong punch. "Really? That's good then."

She replied now walking away towards the kitchen. Her red eyes looking ever so sorrowful. Is it alright to leave her alone in this state? "Your aunt is going to visit us in a few hours." Mentioned my mother making an effort to smile. "I called her over since you are going out today." My eyes sightly widened as I mentally facepalmed myself. "I told you to not eavesdrop on me..." "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to overhear your conversation with your friend. But still, to see you in good spirits really easies me down."

She smiled once again preparing some tea for herself. "That friend of yours must be really nice to be able to get you out of your depressing state. When you were younger, you refused to leave your room no matter what." That's true... Now that I think about it, my decision was rather quick. "Yeah... He's quite nice." I replied to her with a small gentle smile and my mother did the same. "I'm glad to see you having such a great friend. I hope I can meet him someday." She wants to meet him? "Sure, maybe someday." I replied with a sad smile.

I still don't know how I feel about Noah's confession... It's sure that I don't want to stop being friends with him. And I really like it when we spent time together. But do I see him in 'that' way? I don't know... How am I supposed to know?


"Liam! Over here~!" I turned my head to my right to see Noah a few meters away waving his hand at me along with Jason and Alex. I walked towards them with a smile, happy to see my friends after all that happened. "Hey Liam, I'm glad you were able to meet with us." Said Jacob warping an arm around my shoulder and I nodded in agreement. "Of course. I'm glad I came." "Now we only have to wait for Kevin." I drove my attention towards Alex as I was quite surprised. Noah did mentioned about some friends but this is the first time I hear about the Kevin guy.

"What the...? What happened to your face Liam?" Asked Noah quite worried pointing at the band aid on my face. "It's nothing to worry about. Just a small injury." I smiled trying to reassure him. "Then you should be more careful next time." Said also Jason with a worried tone. "Of course." I replied looking elsewhere. The memories of yesterday passing through my mind.

"Sorry I'm late. Did you guys wait long?" My thoughts got interrupted as I turned my head to face a tall guy with short spiky black hair and blue-gray eyes. What actually stood out on him, was the all white clothes he wore. "Oh, you must be the kid Noah mentioned. Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin Johnson." He gestured for a hand shake and I accepted it with a nervous smile. Why everyone keeps calling me a kid?! "My name is Liam Walker, nice to meet you as well."

"Well, since we are all here, let's start walking. We'll go to a restaurant by the next right turn." Wait, does he mean that super fancy restaurant?! I wondered to myself as we were already making our way towards there. "Say Liam, you are in the photography department right?" I turned my head towards Kevin who was showing me a kind smile. "That's right. I'm in the photography department but how do you know that?" I questioned him instead as he pointed at Noah. "That guy just wouldn't shut up about you. He told me how much of a great person you are and I honestly couldn't wait to see that for myself." I stared at him quite shocked as I could feel my ears slowly heating up.

"I-I'm not that much of a great person..." "Don't say this. Most people aren't good judgers of themselves so sometimes it's best to leave the judgment to other people instead. In other words, I'll see for myself if you truly are a good person or not." He said with a kind smile but I couldn't help but feel pressured. "I-I see..." "Come on Kevin, don't be like that to the poor kid~" Laughed Alex as Kevin just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just saying the truth man~ I am genuinely curious about Liam's personally. After all, it's not everyday that our Noah falls in love~" "Kevin! I heard you!" Yelled Noah with a small blush on his face as both Alex and Kevin laughed it off, leaving Jason with a disappointed face and me with a very bashful expression. This is driving me insane... Just what in the world is this feeling?

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