Chapter 3

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Today as well, he came and sat beside me on the wooden bench.

"How do you find this university so far? Are you making any progress?" Asked Noah with his usual calm smile. "It's really nice here. The dorms are comfortable and the teachers are pretty nice. I'm also very excited for every lesson we take. To my surprise, I didn't even knew the basics such as the camera's parts." I replied with excitement, facing Noah with a wide smile.

"It's nice to know that. There aren't many people who are chosing this course. You better give it your all." He said and I couldn't help but feel happy. There was finally someone I could talk to. Yesterday when Noah started to walk away, I stopped him by catching his arm. "I'll... I'll trust you on this one. So... Let's get along from now on." I said but I honestly didn't expected things to get like this. Since then, he would only hang out with me in every break. At this point, my doubts are increasing. What if he has a secret motive?

"So... Noah, why are yo–" "Noah!! I found you, you bastard!!" I turned to face the sudden loud voice. It was a guy with black hair, yellow eyes and his expression screamed anger. "Hey Jason~ What a surprise to see you here~" Greeted Noah the new person by the name Jason. He in the other hand took a hold of Noah's shirt and shoot glares at him. "Don't give me that fake smile you asshole! Where the hell were you since yesterday?!" They seem to know each other, so I better stay out of this...

"Why, I was with Liam over here~ He is a first year so make sure you're good to him." With that, Jason let go of Noah's shirt and started to calm down. "Noah... Since when did you started babysitting?" ...He what? "Liam is a good kid and I'm not babysitting him." Argued Noah warping an arm around my neck. "We are friends." With Noah's answer Jason's eyes widened in complete surprise.

"Friends? Since when?" "Since yesterday~" "So you left me handle all this bullshit because you've made a new friend? Just what have I ever done to deserve this?!" Whimpered Jason and Noah just shook his head in disappointment. What is actually going on here? "Oh come on Jason... You know how much I hate this... Can't you keep doing this at least for today? Do this for your best friend~" Pleaded Noah holding both of Jason's shoulders.

"Excuse me, but what is actually going on here?" "Well you see–" Just when Noah was about to explain, a wave of people rushed towards us. "Well shit..." Cursed Jason and I could see that this situation was getting out of hand.

"Noah!" "Jefferson! We finally found you man!" Just who are those people?! "Hey guys~ Long time no see~" Noah gave them a smile, but for some reason, there was something different about it. It seemed...fake. "Noah, where the hell you disappeared man? What are you saying for a basketball game?" "Heck no! Noah said he would spend some time with us after school!" Argued a guy with a girl, leaving an uneasy Noah in the middle of this.

"Guys, guys calm down. Sorry Lucas but I promised that I would help the girls with their photography project. Let's play tomorrow! We'll win for sure!" "Yeah sure man! But next time make sure to share the girls~!" "Meh~ It's not what you think haha." They laughed and I couldn't be more confused about this. I walked towards Jason and whispered to his ear. "What is going on here? Is Noah famous in school or something?" "Yeah... Something like that." Cringed Jason as Noah turned to finally face us. "Sorry guys but I should go." "Yeah yeah, don't let the chicks wait." "Eh...Yeah, sure..." I replied not really sure of what to say in this situation.

With that, Noah left. Leaving behind me and Jason who still held a disgusted expression. "So, Noah said you are friends." "Yeah... Well about that..." "Don't be so anxious. I'm just asking because I'm Noah's best and only friend." So he's Noah's best friend... But why the only one?

"What about all those people from before?" I asked him and his face cringed once again. "Those bastards don't really see him as a friend. They just go for a good reputation. Noah also doesn't see them like that as he finds them rather annoying. Remember when I found you guys just a few minutes ago? That's the thing I was trying to take care of since yesterday. I was trying to get away from them. They can be very persistent... They wouldn't leave me in peace. Asking again and again where is Noah since I was the only person who is actually close to him." He said sitting on the bench letting out a sigh to express his tiredness.

"That's why I'm curious to know what Noah saw about you to make you his friend so easily. You must be a really honest guy for him to push aside his trust issues." He really isn't the type of person that I thought he was... And to think I doubted him so many times... "Actually, I don't really know... But he really seems like a good person. I don't understand why he would lie to those people but I want to believe he has a reason for that. To see he has only one friend took me by surprise, so I feel really bad that I misjudged him so many times..." I said rubbing the back of my head in shame.

"I see... So you have trust issues as well. No wonder he wanted to become your friend. He just wants to talk to someone he can relate to." I looked up at the sky. The dark clouds ready to rain minute by minute. "Say Liam? Let's become friends. A friend of Noah, is also mine." He smirked pointing at himself. My eyes widened and my nerves calmed down. "Sure thing!" I smiled and let out a breath. Having someone to talk to is really nice...

"So that's how it feels to have friends huh?" I laughed and Jason looked at me with widened eyes. "Yeah... No wonder Noah wanted to become your friend."

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