Chapter 23

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"What did you say?!" Yelled my brother defending his girlfriend as I stood there unfazed knowing very well that she was indeed behind everything. "I said that she is a lying bitch. And like it or not, it's true. She is the one behind the rumors in the university. She even scammed a girl in order to get her on her side. I'm sorry Oliver but I'm afraid that your girlfriend is nothing more than an awful laying person."

I spoke and Scarlet gave me a glare. "You little..." "There's no way she would do such a thing! Right Scarlet?" Questioned Oliver now turning to look towards his girlfriend who she in return gave him a laugh. "Scarlet...?" "You know what? I'm tired of this." She finally said showing a scowl with eyes full of hatred. "I was the one behind everything."

Oliver's eyes widened in shock and a smirk became plastered on my face. "You're kidding... Why would you do something like that...?" "Ha, you are as stupid as ever. Not only you couldn't understand that I did it because I hated your brother, but you also didn't knew the actual reason I dated you!" "The actual reason...? What the hell is the meaning of this Scarlet!" At that point, they started fighting as I observed them both from the sidelines.

"It means that I never truly dated you." "Then why were you with me all those years?!" "Money, honey. It was for money. What's better than have accessories and expensive clothes from someone else's pocket?" She laughed and Oliver was ready to hit her but I quickly held his hand. "H-hey, calm down." I spoke nervously as Oliver let out a growl.

"I see you still listen to that hopeless and abnormal brother of yours." She voiced after a while and Oliver's anger reached its limits. "Say anything else about my brother and I won't hold back from hitting you." He warned and Scarlet let out another laugh. "Oh now sooo scared~" "Tch, you-" At that, I got in between them and held Oliver back as he was going to hit her for real.

"Oliver, calm down. Now you know the truth of the person you dated for two whole years. She is nothing more than a lying person that lives off other people's money. It's up to you to decide. You either drop down to her level or stand up and face the reality like an adult." I spoke as both of them kept giving each other deadly glares.

Oliver let out a sigh and walked away. "Make sure to never show your face to me again." "I wasn't planning to. I was sick of you anyways." Scarlet smiled in return and walked to the opposite direction. Seems like everything is fine for now.

"Hey, Liam?" I heard my brother say as he had stopped on his tracks to look at me. His gaze ever so serious. "Thank you." I smiled and walked towards him. "It's nothing. I wasn't expecting her to be that bad either. I thought that she just hated me." "No seriously, thank you. If you hadn't stopped me, I would had done something that I would later regret. Your words helped me very much." He said getting a grip on my shoulder and I showed him a small smile. "No problem."


"Liam, you're back!" Exclaimed happily Noah as I had just returned to the university. "Glad to be back." I smiled as I looked behind him to see our friends waving towards us. "Is the problem with that woman solved now?" He questioned and I nodded in confirmation. "Yup, how are things here?" "Everything went smoothly. Thanks to Celly for confessing in front of many people about it, we were able to come out clear."

I looked skeptically towards Noah with narrowed eyes and he rubbed the back of his head with an indifferent expression. "Yeah, I told her to do that. She was being way too mean to you and I wanted to somehow make her pay." He explained and I facepalmed myself. Yes she was being mean but other than that she didn't do anything too harmful. She even became scammed.

"Let's go apologize to her." "There's nothing to apologize for. She deserved what she got." "But still, being humiliated in front of many people isn't the greatest thing. If you do that to her, then that won't make you any different from what she did to us." At that Noah let out a defeating sigh and looked at me with a sad smile. "Fine, but only because it's you who tells me to do it." He said and I showed him a warm smile. "Let's go."


"What do you want?" Spoke Celly while cutting in pieces some colorful fabrics. Her face showing unexpected calmness. She looks better than I thought. I elbowed Noah to his side and he showed a small pout. "...I'm sorry... It was wrong of me to make you say this in front of everyone." "Okay." She answered with a monotonous voice and I shared a look with Noah. "Are you sure you are okay?" I questioned and she finally raised her head to look at us.

"Yeah, actually that's the best I felt for a while." She showed a small smile and that made both of us curious. "Don't look at me like that. I truly feel a lot better that I got all those things out of my chest. I truly hate lying." "Wait, aren't you the one that wanted to start those rumors a while ago? Why would you lie if you hated it?" I questioned her feeling extremely curious about her reasons.

"Well you look at that, that was also a lie. The only lie I was willing to make at the time. If that meant that you would stay away from my crush then I was willing to make one and only one lie. I never intended to spread rumors in the first place. Now I'm over Noah and I don't care about whatever you two do from now on." Mine and Noah's eyes widened. We most definitely didn't expected that explanation.

"If anything, I should be the one to apologize and I'm truly sorry." She finally said turning back into cutting the fabric in her hand. "Let's get along from now on Celly." I spoke with a smile and she looked at me with widened eyes. "Don't you hate me?? I did something terrible! I even threatened you!" She semi-yelled but the smile on my face never faded. "I know, but what matters is that you are actually feeling sorry. You value truth and that is something I understand quite well. So, let's get along!" I spoke with the same kind smile. Noah looking to the other way around, not pleasant with my choice as Celly stared at me amazed.

"Okay... Let's get along."

She finally smiled and Noah let out a sigh.

I guess we solved all the problems for now.

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