Chapter 44: Beginning Of The End

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"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm from Hero Public Safety Commission, we have been needing to talk," He says.


The armed vehicle goes on an unexpected path from where she assumed the police station would be or the prison. She couldn't quite grasp the situation she was in because of how odd this was. Handcuffed and restrained with two armed guards by her side, it was all very confusing for her. The first question comes to her mind was, 'How did I end up like this?' And, 'Is Eri, Genos, and Garou alright?' She couldn't believe Mirio betrayed her when she had trusted him. She was still trying to process the events that had occurred earlier.

'Hero Public Safety Commission?' She thinks while frowning. She peeks out of the available narrow window, observing the unfamiliar surroundings.

They were going extremely fast, and all she knew is that they were definitely far away from where they arrested her from.

"Am I going to prison? Why does Hero Public Safety want to talk to me?" Y/N ask dumbfounded, she had no energy anymore to fight against other people nor try to understand the people around her.

She was trying to let everything sink in that Mirio her supposed friend had betrayed her. It was difficult for her to swallow this fact and she couldn't get it off her mind.

She was still indifferent to what the man would want to say to her. She didn't care.

She had a sensation that she was no longer seeing things from her own point of view, but rather from the outside, as a bystander that is just observing.

The man in front of her shakes his head and the individuals surrounding her were visibly scary to her. She waits for someone or the man in front of her to speak up, again finding this scenario increasingly eerie and strange as the quiet gazing increasingly grows unpleasant.

Her stomach tensed and her palms began to sweat. Gulping down in a fit of nervousness, she waits for one of them to say anything once again while the silence amplifies the situation.

"Though you are a criminal, we have lots to discuss with you, Y/N. We can pardon you for all crimes if you do as we say-," The man attempts to offer her with suggestions.

Y/N scowls at the man's statements that seem suspiciously similar to the letter she received from UA. They were attempting to manipulate her into doing something. But she wasn't exactly sure what.

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