Chapter 3: Uneventful School Day

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Having adjusted to the new apartment, Genos was now with her 24/7

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Having adjusted to the new apartment, Genos was now with her 24/7 . It was less annoying than she thought it would be.

Before she realizes it, starting today was school. She grabbed some food, eating it quickly. With her uniform on wrong. She didn't care. Her oppai hoodie, thrown over it. Looking over Genos walked out of his room. Dress exactly with the dress code.

He looks at her attire. "Ah. Sensei looks nice." He mumbles. She waves her hand by.

"Eh. I guess" she says, "Come on, let's go" with that she shoves her hands in the hoodie.

Walking to school, people were looking at the odd pair. People blushing looking at the tall male, who was writing stuff down. In front was a odd girl. Her bored look, hands in hoodie. Occasionally the male will speak to her, she would say something back. In which, he would write it down quickly. The pair was odd. In the halls they went their separate ways.

Walking around she eventually found her class 1-A. Staring at the tall door, assuming giants taken classes. Opening the door. Loud shouts to be heard. Until the loud shouts were directed at her.

"YOU CANT WEAR THAT IN SCHOOL!" A chopping hand motions, went downwards and up again. Robotic motions, and glasses. He was a taller boy. She stared at him. As he rambled at her. She lost interest all together.

Raising her hand to shut the male up. Immediately muffled voice was heard.

"Sit down already." A homeless man from before appeared from a yellow sleeping bag. With that, everyone took their seats. Y/n was the last one to enter the class but not the she wanted to be here.

Staring out the window she was more interested with the sky than what's happening in class. The grumpy male voice was heard but it was a jumble and wasn't paying attention to it. She hated school. Her blank look, staring outside. Taking her out of her trance, with a tap of the shoulder. She looked over towards a female with pink skin. She smiles nervously, but still was a huge smile.

"Hey girl! So like, we need to go ahead and change to go out side for Mr Aizawa!" The pinkie said before leaving.

Y/n gets up looking at the bag with she assumes her clothes grabbing it. She was the last again to be there. She missed some things he said but none the less she watch in the p.e grounds of UA.

Loud shout of "DIE!!!!" From a ash blonde.

Mr Aizawa looking at machine before telling the results. People begin to be excited by this. They wanted to show off.

Mr Aizawa went off on a speech before saying last place will get expelled. Y/n blinked a little. She wouldn't do this test and -

"Don't get any ideas Y/n. You aren't doing the test. You are helping me keep track" He huffed out. Handing her a board to jot down the numbers.
Her happiness plummet into the ground. Frowning.

Everyone did their best at the test besides Y/n who only jotted down test results.

In the end broccoli head came last, with on the other hand of events. Mr Aizawa huffed out he lied about the entire thing. After school ended. She was the last to leave.


She looks over towards Mr Aizawa, his expressions held many emotions. She looked at him void of any emotions.

"Yeah?" She asked out, about to put her backpack on.

"Go to the P.E grounds, we'll do the Assessment there." He says walking out of the building. To there the Pe Grounds she assumed.

Getting her bags, she walked down, throwing her bag to the ground. She didn't question him why he wanted her to do this when everyone wasn't around. Or maybe it was because he needed other heroes around.

50 meter dash

Hearing the start, she ran trying not to destroy property. Getting a 1.30 score.

Grip strength

Sounds of machine after machine broke, clank of metal dropped to the floor.

Standing long jump

She in fact cleared the stand box and all of the training field. What was left before was a dent of her shoes, and the ground having some cracks.

Side steps

Doing this again, from the first time with the weird entrance thing. After her were seemed like multiples within her place, and craters forming below her feet.

And last ball throw

Doing this thing, staying inside the circle, once throwing the ball. The force of the throw made the ball explode.

Walking over to Mr Aizawa. "How did I do?" She says trying to look at the chart.

"You broke a lot of expensive equipment today-" he stops looking at the girl, before patting her head. "But you would be the first place within your class." He says leaving

Nodding her head. Thinking how weird of a day it was, looking at the gate she sees Genos waiting for her. Speeding up her legs.

"I heard there's a sale in the market! We can't miss it!" She says rather happy. Genos nodding his head, not asking her about her day. Since she looked like she didn't want or would talk about it.

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