Chapter 31: Follow Up

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This chapter will follow more of Bnha characters, more with the government, teachers, and heroes' pov!

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This chapter will follow more of Bnha characters, more with the government, teachers, and heroes' pov!


People scrambled to jot down information. Computers lined up. A large screen shows a video, of three people fighting. All Might, All For One, and the mystery girl. It's been a few days since that incident. The news we're going wild as to find out who this woman was, who took on the strongest hero AND the notorious All For One.

She seemingly disappeared like a ghost. Reports speculating on what will happen next in this coming of a new age of heroes and villains. Of course, this wasn't the only thing to worry about. The famous fortune teller passed away. Giving away her final information about the next natural disaster threat. One that they have never seen before in their lives. One that they could never imagine happening. The old woman told them that this disaster is life-threatening to Earth, and millions of deaths will happen. Truth be told that they were greatly unprepared for a crisis of that magnitude.

Thoughts of recruiting villains and vigilantes to help the heroes for this threat came to mind. Resolving all crimes that they committed to help them and the world to defeat this threat. Gods know that they needed a miracle. The only time frame they came to know is that it was going to happen within the next six or seven months. And that wasn't enough time.

Of course, they didn't want to scare the public. That would cause a disaster in itself. With not enough manpower leads them to the conclusion now. They wanted to find this mysterious girl and talk to her. If she truly was stronger than All Might and All For One. They needed to know.

"SIR! I've found something!" A man yells scrambling into the large office with a bunch of papers in hand.

"Yes? What is it? Spit it out!" McCoy, the second chief of operations screams out, glaring at the worn-out worker.

"The girl, I think I know who it might be. We've been monitoring a young girl when strange phenomena happened around her. We— no. I believe the girl we've been keeping an eye on is the same one we saw in the video. Her name is Y/N, currently going to UA." The man finishes saying.


"I quit." A dull monotone voice says over the phone.

Nezu's smiles tighten. His paw grips the phone. "Y/N please reconsider, if you do this... Then I can't protect you."

"You weren't protecting me before... So what will change now?" She retorts back. Her voice can be heard the speaker becoming irritated.

"What do you mean by then?" Nezu grips tighter on his phone, he becomes increasingly anxious over the answer. He knew some students didn't get along with Y/N but assumed it was just what some humans are like, it was natural to dislike someone. It couldn't be extreme. And then the matter with Stain.

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