Chapter 23: Breakfast & Heroes

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It's been a few weeks since the incident occurred

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It's been a few weeks since the incident occurred. Y/N lays in her bed, the sun just peeking through her curtains shining directly on her face. Her mind is in a haze as a result of her awakening. She stretches her limbs whilst yawning. Some of her joints started popping. She groans slightly.

Dragging herself up from the coziness of her sweet bed and sits up. Taking her phone, she searches through her contacts. Her finger rests on the spelling of her Uncle's name. His face appears in her memory, his image blurred and reduced to a silhouette. She clicks on his contact and reads the final message he sent her before the contact stops.

Hey Kiddo, Sorry I wasn't able to see you again. I promise when we see each other, we'll buy new comics!

Time: 12:30

She grimaced at the final message she received, wanting to scoff at this absurd promise. She wished what he said was genuine. She shook her head at frivolous things and problems she couldn't change. She tossed her phone on the bed.

Finally, she pushed herself up from the cozy bed. Her feet landed on the icy wooden floor. She goes about her customary morning ritual of brushing her teeth, washing her face, and brushing her hair, as well as changing out of her sleep clothes to everyday wear. She turns her attention to her bed, where her phone is laying.

She debated whether or not to take out her phone with her. With a shrug of her shoulders, she exits her bedroom, subsequently discarding her phone in the empty bedroom.

"Genos?" She called out, looking through each room calling out his name.

She frowns slightly, realizing he must have had to return to school. It had to happen eventually, but she was disappointed that he didn't tell her. That pained sensation went in an instant as her attention was drawn to the kitchen. Her stomach growls at her as though on cue.

She glares towards the kitchen, remembering how it was her hardest foe and the only one she had never defeated. Cooking. She groans, wishing Genos would cook for her before leaving so she wouldn't have to try to cook. Sucking up the bitter feeling she felt. She gathers the ingredients for an easy breakfast.

"Fuck!" She yells out, pacing around the kitchen with a pan on fire.

She frantically turns on the water in the sink, forcing the pan under the water, only to make the fire worse. She rushes to the balcony and slams the door open. She throws the on-fire pan into the air with a rapid motion of her arm, and she sees it vanish on the horizon.

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